Important Questions on CCS Leave Rules MCQ
1. The date on which CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 came into effect is—
(c) 1st June, 1972
2. CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 is not applicable to—
(b) Employees of non-statutory departmental canteens
(c) Government servants appointed in subordinate of Central Government
(d) Persons paid from contingencies
3. CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 applies to a person serving under Central Government on deputation from a State Government—
(b) for a limited duration
(c) from the date of his joining State Government
(d) None of the above
4. How many schedules does the CCS (Leave) Rules contain?
5. An authority competent to grant leave is contained in the—
(c) Second Schedule
6. The word ‘Vacation Department’ according to the definition of leave rules means—
(b) A department to which regular vacations are allowed
(c) A department where workers from other departments come to work
(d) A department which does not count work done during vacation
7. CCS (Leave) Rules will apply to Government servants while on —
(b) Temporary transfer to a State Government
(c) Foreign service within India
(d) All the above
8. According to Leave Rules, an authority competent to grant leave cannot refuse or revoke a leave applied under—
9. What is the reason for not denying earned leave during the last ten years of service?
(b) To decrease the accumulation of earned leave
(c) The Government servant has only few years left for his retirement
(d) The leave sanctioning authority does not have the power to refuse earned leave
10. A Government servant who retired on invalid pension, if re-employed is allowed to count his service for leave if—
(b) He is allowed encashment of leave
(c) He is allowed carry forward of leave
(d) None of the above
11. A Government servant’s claim to leave is regulated by the rules in force at the time the leave is—
(c) Availed
12. Extraordinary leave granted on medical certificate may be commuted retrospectively into leave not due subject to provisions of—
13. EL can be combined with—
(b) Study Leave, Casual Leave, Maternity Leave
(c) Sick Leave, Half Pay Leave, Maternity Leave
(d) Casual Leave, Paternity Leave, Maternity Leave
14. EOL is granted to Government servants only—
(b) When Government servant is on notice period of VRS
(c) Before superannuation
(d) None of the above
15. Encashment of earned leave of up to 10 days at the time of availing LTC is permitted, provided a balance of …….. days of EL is available at the credit of a Government servant.
(c) 30 days
16. Completed years of service, according to CCS (Leave) Rules means—
(b) Continuous service under Central Government including period spent on duty and leave but not EXOL
(c) Continuous service under Central Government including period spent on duty and leave including EXOL
(d) Continuous service under Central Government including service in State Government, if any
17. What is the maximum period of leave of any kind which can be allowed to a Government servant?
(c) 7 years (d) 2 years
18. Paternity Leave is allowed for ……… days
(c) 25 days (d) 30 days
19. What is the maximum amount of study leave which can be availed by
a Government servant, other than CHS Officers in his entire service?
(c) 10 months (d) 15 months
20. What is the maximum number of days of EL that can be held at credit by a Government servant?
21. What is the date of retirement of a Government servant?
(b) Last day of any month in which he wishes to retire
(c) Last working day
(d) First day of the month in which he attains the age of superannuation
22. If an official is recalled to duty before expiry of his leave, he may be treated as ………….
(c) Absent (d) None of the above
23. Casual Leave can be combined with ………….
(c) Half Pay Leave (d) None of the above
24. Combination of Study Leave with earned leave shall not generally involve a total absence of more than—
(c) 28 months (d) 36 months
25. Half-a-day leave can be taken from ……………
(c) Casual Leave (d) Half Pay Leave
26. Government servants are not entitled to leave salary while availing—
(c) Extraordinary leave (d) Child care leave
27. The maximum period of CCL that can be availed by a woman Government servant during her entire service is—
(c) 650 days (d) 365 days (1 year)
28. Foreign service means service in which a Government servant receives his pay from—
(b) Consolidated fund of State
(c) Consolidated fund of Union Territory
(d) None of the above
29. Child care leave is admissible if the child is below ……
(c) 21 years (d) 25 years
30. In a calendar year, CCL cannot be granted for more than—
(c) 4 times (d) 6 times
31. CCL shall be admissible for ……………..
(c) Any child (d) None
32. CCL may not be granted for less than ……………… days.
(c) 15 days (d) 5 days
33. ……………… number of days of earned leave are credited in advance to the leave account of a Government servant during January and July.
(c) 15 days (d) None
34. Leave account of Government servant shall be maintained by the—
(c) Head of Office (d) None of the above
35. Which of the Leave Rules would apply, if a Government servant is temporarily deputed to foreign service in India?
(b) CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972
(c) CCS (Leave) Rules and Foreign Service Leave Rules
(d) None of the above
36. What is the time-limit of continuous service after which a quasi-permanent employee is not confirmed?
37. What is the maximum number of days in respect of EL / HPL that can be encashed by a Government servant appointed in Industrial Establishment which is governed by Factories, Act, 1948?
38. When a Government servant applies for a specific kind of leave, the Leave Sanctioning Authority does not have the power to—
(c) Revoke (d) Alter
39. A Government servant ceases to have any claim for leave to his credit, if he has—
(b) Retired
(c) Been dismissed
(d) Been reinstated
40. If a Government servant claims for commutation of one kind of leave into another, he should apply for commutation, within a period of—
(b) 30 days
(c) 45 days
(d) 90 days
41. Which leave cannot be combined with any other kind of leave—
(c) Special Casual Leave (d) Casual Leave
42. Which of the following sentences are correct with respect to right to leave?
(b) Leave may be refused or revoked by the Competent Authority when exigencies of service so require
(c) A Competent Authority cannot alter the kind of leave applied for by a Government servant
(d) All the above
43. The maximum period of continuous leave of any kind which can be allowed to a permanent Government servant—
44. A Government servant cannot accept employment elsewhere while on leave except in the case of service as a / an—
(c) Medical Practitioner (d) Legal Practitioner
45. Leave Account of a Gazetted Government servant shall be maintained by—
(c) Pay and Accounts Office (d) Head of Office
46. No leave shall be granted to Government servant if he is—
(b) Under suspension
(c) To work as an Examiner
(d) To visit abroad with proper permission
47. Which of the below-mentioned institutions may also be accepted for the grant of medical certificate for the purpose of grant of Commuted Leave?
(c) JIPMER, Pondicherry (d) All the above
48. A Gazetted Government servant who is a CGHS beneficiary is required to submit a Medical Certificate for grant of leave on medical grounds issued by a—
(b) AMA
(c) Doctor in a CGHS Dispensary
(d) Doctor working in a Private Nursing Home
49. Any claim to the leave at credit of a Government servant who is dismissed, removed or who resigns ________ from the date of such Act.
(c) is paid (d) None of the above
50. The Leave sanctioning authority can waive the production of Medical Certificate in case of an application for leave on medical grounds, if the period of leave applied for is less than—
51. Mention the maximum number of months of leave that can be sanctioned by the Medical Authority if he is unable to say with certainty that the Government servant will never again be fit for service—
52. Under what grounds, prefix / suffix of holidays to leave are allowed automatically—
(b) On medical grounds
(d) None of the above
53. Indicate the Rule for “Regularization of Unauthorized absence”.
54. Absence by a Government servant after expiry of leave shall be debited to his leave account as ……………… to the extent such leave is due.
(c) Leave not due (d) None of the above
55. How many days of Earned Leave is credited in advance for each half year to an employee who joins duty on 1st January?
56. A Government servant who had reached maximum of 300 days on 1st January, had availed Earned Leave for 8 days during August.
How many days of Earned Leave will be shown in his leave account as on 31st December?
57. A Government servant on the date of retirement on superannuation had a maximum number of 300 days of Earned Leave. During his service, he had availed 60 days of encashment of earned leave while availing LTC.
How many days will he be eligible for encashment of earned leave on the date of his retirement?
58. If an employee joins duty on 1st July afternoon, his entitlement to EL during the first half year would be—
(c) 15 days (d) 30 days
59. If a Government servant retires on voluntary retirement on 16th July forenoon, how many days of Earned Leave will he be entitled to during the half year?
(c) 15 days (d) Nil
60. Which of the below sentences are correct with respect to Rule 10 of CCS (Leave) Rules?
(i) A Government servant may commute one kind of leave into another within 30 days after joining his duty
(ii) The leave sanctioning authority which granted him leave may consider the commutation of leave
(iii) Adjustment of leave salary due to such commutation of one kind of leave into another shall be on the leave finally granted to him.
(c) (ii), (iii) and (iv) (d) (i), (ii) and (iv)
61. If a Government servant resigns on 30th December, how many days of earned leave will he be entitled to during the half year?
(c) 15 days (d) 30 days
62. If a Government servant dies on 22nd September, how many days of earned leave will he be entitled to during the half year?
63. If a Government servant is dismissed on 29th September, how many days of EL is admissible to him for that half year on the date of dismissal?
64. If a Government servant had availed EOL on private grounds for 100 days during the previous half year, how many days of EL is he entitled for at the commencement of the next half year?
(c) 5 days (d) Nil
65. If a Government servant had availed EOL on Medical Certificate for 180 days during the previous half year, how many days of EL is he entitled for at beginning of the next half year?
66. A Government servant remained absent wilfully after leave for 60 days during the previous half year which is treated as dies non. How many days of EL is admissible to him at the beginning of next half year?
(c) 9 days (d) Nil
67. What is the maximum number of days of EL that can be granted to a Government servant at a time in one spell?
(c) 180 days (d) 300 days
68. A Government servant has requested for credit of unavailed joining time of 6 days to his EL account which has a balance of 295 days of EL on 30th June. How many days of EL will be at his credit as on 1st July?
(c) 300 + 15 days (d) 300 + 6 days
69. If a Government servant serving in a Vacation Department, did not avail any vacation, how many days of EL is admissible to him during the year in respect of 12 months of actual duty?
(c) 40 days (d) Nil
70. When was the HPL restored to Principals, Headmasters, Teachers, etc. working in Schools of Vacation Department, under Central Government?
(c) 1-9-2008 (d) 1-1-2012
71. In how many instalments, advance credit of Half Pay Leave is made to one leave account of Government servant during a year?
(c) 1 instalment (d) 4 instalments
72. What is the rate of credit of Half Pay Leave for each completed calendar month of service of a Government servant?
73. If a Government servant avails 100 days of EOL on private grounds during the previous half year, what will be the entitlement of HPL during the next half year?
74. If an employee serving in Vacation Department avails his full vacation in any year, how many days of EL is he entitled to in that year?
75. No Government servant while on leave, other than …………….. shall ordinarily be permitted to take up any other service or employment, according to Rule 13 of CCS (Leave) Rules.
(c) Leave on Medical Certificate (d) Leave Preparatory to Retirement
76. The leave sanctioning authority treated 162 days of wilful absence of a Government servant as ‘dies non’ during the previous half year. What will be the entitlement of HPL during next half year?
77. What is the maximum limit for availing HPL by a Government servant during the entire service?
78. What will be the leave salary of an employee who avails HPL?
(b) 50% of amount admissible on EL
(c) 75% of amount admissible on EL
(d) 25% of amount admissible on EL
79. Under what grounds commuted leave can be granted to Government employees?
(c) Illness of wife (d) Children’s education
80. What is the maximum limit for availing commuted leave during the entire service of a Government servant, if such leave is utilized for an approved course of study?
(c) 120 days (d) 60 days
81. What leave salary will be payable if a Government servant is granted commuted leave with MC?
(c) 25% of HPL (d) No leave salary
82. When a Government servant avails Commuted Leave for study purpose, to which leave account should the commuted leave be debited?
(c) Commuted leave account (d) EOL account
83. What is the limit of HPL for availing Commuted Leave on medical grounds by a Government servant?
(b) ½ of HPL at his credit
(c) ¾ th of HPL at his credit
(d) No limit
84. If a Government servant who has been granted commuted leave does not return to duty due to voluntary retirement, what action would you propose?
(b) Commuted Leave would be cancelled
(c) Difference of leave salary between commuted leave and HPL would be recovered
(d) None
85. What is the maximum number of days of commuted leave that can be granted to a female employee without medical certificate in continuation of her maternity leave?
86. What is the maximum period of Leave Not Due on Medical Certificate that can be granted to an employee during the entire service?
87. Under what circumstances Leave Not Due is admissible to a Government servant?
(b) When HPL is not at his credit
(c) When casual leave is not at his credit
(d) When commuted leave is not at his credit
88. When is Leave Not Due granted without Medical Certificate?
(b) In continuation of HPL
(c) In continuation of Child Adoption Leave
(d) In continuation of EOL
89. What leave salary is payable to a Government servant who is sanctioned leave not due?
(b) As in the case of HPL
(c) As in the case of EL
(d) As in the case of Commuted Leave
90. Under what grounds Leave Not Due is allowed to a temporary employee, who has put in more than one year of service?
(b) Illness of wife
(c) In cases of self, chronic disease viz., Cancer
(d) None of the above
(b) Refund of leave salary
(c) No action is necessary
(d) Not to accept his resignation
92. Under what circumstance can recovery of overpayment of leave salary from a Government servant, who had been sanctioned Leave Not Due, be waived?
(b) On voluntary retirement
(c) On compulsory retirement
(d) On leave preparatory to retirement
93. What is the maximum limit for grant of EOL with or without Medical Certificate to a permanent Government servant?
(c) 3 months (d) No limit
94. What is the period up to which EOL with Medical Certificate for illness can be sanctioned to a temporary Government servant with minimum of one year service?
(c) 9 months (d) 18 months
95. What leave salary is payable to a Government servant who had been sanctioned EOL with Medical Certificate?
(c) As in the case of EL (d) No leave salary
96. Who is empowered to grant relaxation of EOL under provisions of sub-rule (2) of Rule 32 in the case of SC/ST employee for attending pre-examination training courses at centres notified by Government?
(c) Head of Department (d) President
97. If two spells of EOL is intervened by leave of another kind, how will it be treated for the purpose of maximum limit?
(c) One continuous spell (d) Not admissible
98. If the services of a Probationer is proposed to be terminated, can any leave be sanctioned / extended? If yes, to what extent?
(b) Yes. Can be extended beyond the period of probation
(c) None
(d) Both
99. What is the maximum period of leave on medical certificate that can be sanctioned to an Apprentice?
(c) One month (d) 15 days
100. What will be the leave salary payable to an Apprentice, who has been granted leave on Medical Certificate?
(c) As in the case of HPL (d) No leave salary
101. Which leave rules are applicable in the case of persons re-employed in subordinate office?
(b) CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972
(c) Leave rules of previous employer as well as present employer
(d) None of the above
102. What is the maximum period of leave which a Government employee is permitted to take as leave preparatory to retirement?
(c) 240 days (d) 300 days
103. What is the kind of leave that cannot be included in leave preparatory to retirement granted to a Government servant?
104. What is the permissible limit of earned leave that can be encashed at one time when a Government servant proposes to avail LTC?
105. What is the maximum amount of leave that can be encashed by a Government servant while availing LTC during the entire career?
106. What is the minimum balance of earned leave that should be available at credit when a Government servant wants to encash earned leave at the time of availing LTC?
107. What are the components admissible for computation of encashment of leave salary on the date of availing LTC?
(c) Pay plus DA only (d) Pay plus other allowances
108. A Government employee who has a balance of 300 days of EL at his credit on the date of his retirement, had encashed EL for 40 days during the entire service, while availing LTC. In such case, what will be the maximum number of days eligible for payment of encashment of leave salary at the time of retirement?
(c) 300 days (d) 300 – 40 days
109. A Government servant who had encashed leave salary of EL along with the LTC failed to avail LTC within the time limit prescribed. Consequently, he was asked to refund the entire amount of advance together with the interest. What is the penal rate of interest chargeable on the entire amount of encashment of leave?
(b) 8 ½ %
(c) 2% above the rate of interest applicable for PF
(d) 2 ½ above the rate of interest applicable for PF
110. What is the maximum number of days admissible for cash payment in lieu of EL/HPL put together on attaining superannuation?
(c) 300 days (d) 120 days
111. What are the Pay and Allowances admissible for payment of cash equivalent of EL to a Government servant who retires voluntarily?
(c) Basic Pay plus HRA (d) Basic Pay plus DA
112. What are the Pay and Allowances admissible for payment of cash equivalent of HPL to a Government servant who retires on superannuation?
(b) Pay and DA only
(c) Half of Basic Pay and DA
(d) Half of pay plus other allowances
113. A Government servant who retired voluntarily does not have any EL at his credit and wants to commute his HPL for encashment of leave salary of HPL. Is it permissible?
(b) Yes. Up to 150 days
(c) No. Commutation of HPL is not permissible
(d) Yes. Permissible without limit
114. What is the maximum number of days of EL and HPL that can be encashed by a Government servant whose service has been extended in public interest on the date of his retirement?
(b) 300 days less half pay leave availed during his extension
(c) Maximum of 300 days EL and HPL put together
(d) None of the above
115. Can a Government servant who is terminated by notice be eligible for cash equivalent of leave salary of EL and HPL at his credit?
(b) Yes. Eligible for EL only to the extent of leave at his credit
(c) Yes. Eligible for both EL & HPL subject to a maximum of 300 days
(d) Yes. Eligible for both EL & HPL subject to a maximum of 150 days
116. When a Government servant resigns from service, what is the maximum period of EL up to which encashment of leave salary is payable?
(b) Nil
(c) 240 days
(d) Half of EL subject to maximum of 150 days
117. If a Government servant resigns from service, how many days of cash equivalent of leave salary of HPL is he eligible to?
(b) 150 days
(c) No. He is not eligible
(d) 300 days
118. Is a Government employee who is re-employed after retirement from Military service eligible for encashment of Leave salary of EL & HPL after retirement? If yes, then to what extent?
(b) Not eligible
(c) Yes. In addition to the period of leave encashed in the previous employment without any deduction
(d) Yes. Up to a maximum of 300 days of EL and HPL put together, including the period of leave encashed in the earlier service
119. What will be the components of pay for payment of leave salary to re-employed pensioner?
(b) Pay plus DA after adjustment of Pension and Pension equivalent of other retirement benefits
(c) Pay fixed at the time of re employment
(d) Pay plus DA on the date of retirement without adjustment of Pension and Pension equivalent of other retirement benefits
120. The maximum number of days of EL & HPL for encashment of leave salary payable to the family of the deceased Government servant are:—
(c) 50% of EL only (d) 50% of HPL
121. Is a permanent Government servant who is completely and permanently incapacitated for further service eligible for payment of encashment of leave salary of EL and HPL?
(b) Yes. But eligible for EL only
(c) Yes. But eligible for HPL only
(d) Yes. Eligible for both up to maximum of 300 days
122. Will a temporary Government servant who is invalidated for further service, be eligible for payment of encashment of HPL?
(b) Yes. Eligible for payment up to a maximum of 300 days
(c) Yes. Eligible for payment of 50% of HPL
(d) Yes. Eligible for payment of 75% HPL
123. In the event of death of female Government servant, encashment of leave salary is not payable to—
(c) Unmarried daughter (d) Adopted son
124. Will a Government servant who has been permitted permanent absorption in PSU / Autonomous body controlled by a State Government and has requested for encashment of leave salary of HPL / EL be eligible for encashment?
(b) Eligible for HPL only
(c) Eligible for both EL & HPL not exceeding 300 days
(d) Not eligible for any kind of leave
125. Mention the date from which encashment of EL & HPL to a Government servant / retired Government servant came into effect—
(c) 1-1-2008 (d) 1-1-2006
126. If a Government servant whose annual increment falls during the leave period, dies without returning to duty, will he be entitled to the benefit of increment?
(b) Eligible for ex gratia amount by allowing benefit of increment from due date to date of death
(c) Yes. To the extent of 50% of leave salary
(d) None
127. Can a Government servant who has been compulsorily retired as a measure of penalty be eligible for encashment of leave salary?
(c) Eligible for EL at credit (d) Eligible for 50% of HPL
128. Who is the Competent Authority for grant of cash equivalent of leave at the credit of Government?
(b) Head of Department
(c) Authority to whom powers to grant leave has been delegated
(d) Ministry concerned
129. An authority competent to grant leave may issue provisional sanction of leave, until a report regarding admissibility is obtained for a period not exceeding—
130. A retired CGHS Doctor requested the Leave Sanctioning Authority to include the following for computation of encashment of his leave salary which he was drawing on the date of retirement. Mention the component that is inadmissible for the above purpose:
(b) Non-Practising Allowance
(c) Annual Allowance
(d) Personal Pay
131. Cash equivalent of leave salary for EL to be paid in case of—
(c) Re-employed pensioner (d) All the above
132. What is the leave salary payable to a Government servant who proceeds on Leave Not Due?
(b) Half the amount of pay admissible to EL
(c) 3/4th of the amount of pay admissible to EL
(d) No leave salary
133. What leave salary is payable during HPL in respect of a person to whom the ESI Act, 1948 applies?
(b) Half the amount of pay admissible to EL
(c) Half the amount of pay admissible less the amount of benefit payable under the Act for the corresponding period
(d) No leave salary
134. What is the minimum period of leave to be availed by a Government servant who has requested for sanction of advance of leave salary prior to 31-12-2015?
(c) Not less than 30 days (d) Not less than 10 days
135. What was the amount of advance of Leave Salary admissible to a Government servant prior to 31-12-2015?
(b) Leave salary up to one month’s pay and allowance with usual deductions.
(c) Leave salary up to half month’s pay with usual deductions.
(d) Leave salary up to half month’s pay without usual deductions.
136. What is the maximum period up to which Maternity Leave can be granted to a female Government servant who is unmarried?
(c) 180 days (d) Not eligible
137. A female Government servant who has 4 surviving children requested for sanction of Maternity Leave on account of abortion along with MC.
Is she eligible for such request?
(b) Eligible not exceeding 30 days
(c) Eligible not exceeding 180 days
(d) Eligible not exceeding 45 days during entire service
138. A female Government servant applied for Maternity Leave on account of threatened abortion. To what extent is she eligible?
(c) Eligible for 180 days with MC
(d) At the discretion of leave sanctioning authority
139. To which leave account, Maternity Leave is to be debited?
(c) No leave account (d) Child Care Leave
140. Name the kind of leave that is not debited to any leave account.
(c) Commuted Leave (d) Half Pay Leave
141. What is maximum period of commuted leave that can be allowed to a female Government servant without production of MC in continuation of Maternity Leave?
142. Is an unmarried male Government servant eligible for grant of Paternity Leave?
(c) Not eligible (d) Eligible for 45 days
143. If Paternity Leave is not availed of by a Government servant, what will happen to such leave?
(b) It can be carried over to next confinement of his wife
(c) It can be credited to HPL account
(d) It will lapse
144. Is an Apprentice eligible for grant of Paternity Leave for child adoption?
(c) Eligible for 20 days (d) Not eligible
145. What is the age-limit of child stipulated for grant of Child Adoption Leave?
(c) Below the age of 16 months (d) Below the age of 18 months
146. A male Government servant who has 2 surviving children has requested for sanction of Paternity Leave in respect of a child taken as ward under the Guardian and Wards Act. Is he entitled to such kind of leave?
(b) Not eligible
(c) Eligible if he has one surviving child
(d) Eligible if the ward is less than 1 year
147. What is the maximum period of child adoption leave that can be granted to a female Government servant?
(c) 45 days (d) 180 days
148. What is the maximum period of Leave Not Due without MC that can be granted to a female Government servant in continuation of child adoption leave?
(c) 90 days (d) 120 days
149. What is the maximum period of any kind of leave that is admissible in continuation of child adoption leave if the age of the adopted child is 9 months old?
150. What will be the leave salary payable in the case of child adoption leave availed by a female Government employee?
(b) Half of earned leave
(c) Equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave
(d) As in the case of half pay leave
151. What is the maximum period of Child Care Leave allowed during the entire service of a female Government servant?
(c) 732 days (d) 730 days
152. For how many minor children, a female Government servant can request for grant of Child Care Leave?
(c) For any 2 children (d) No limit
153. What is the maximum age-limit of children prescribed for grant of Child Care Leave to a female Government servant?
(c) Less than 18 years (d) 18 years and above
154. What is the maximum age-limit prescribed for a child who has a disability of 60% for grant of Child Care Leave to a female Government servant?
(b) Below the age of 25 years
(c) No age-limit
(d) Age between 25 years and 30 years
155. How many spells of Child Care Leave can be allowed to a female Government servant in a calendar year?
156. What is the minimum period of Child Care Leave to be considered for sanction to a female Government servant?
157. Mention the purpose for which Child Care Leave can be applied for by a female Government servant?
(b) Illness of self with MC
(c) To look after the needs of children like examination and illness
(d) To avail LTC
158. Mention the date from which Child Care Leave came into effect:
159. What is the minimum percentage of disability prescribed for a disabled child for grant of Child Care Leave to a female Government employee?
160. What will be the leave salary payable in the case of Child Care Leave availed by a woman employee?
(b) Equal to the pay drawn immediately proceeding on leave
(c) 100% of salary for first 365 days and 80% for next 365 days
(d) No leave salary
161. Name the special kind of leave which is admissible to a Government servant from the following:—
(c) Hospital Leave (d) Commuted Leave
162. What is the maximum limit of EXOL without Medical Certificate of a Government servant which will count for increment as per Leave Rules?
(c) Less than 6 months (d) None of the above
163. Under what circumstances the Special Disability Leave is admissible to a Government servant?
(b) An injury occurred to a Government servant which disabled him due to falling of ceiling fan, while performing his official duty during the working hours / place.
(c) When a Government servant fell down while boarding a bus before joining duty in a new station.
(d) When a Government servant fell ill which disabled him while on leave.
164. What is the maximum limit of Special Disability Leave than can be granted to a Government employee?
165. What is the leave salary payable to a Government servant after 120 days of Special Disability Leave?
(c) Salary equal to half pay (d) No leave salary
166. What is the leave salary payable during Special Disability Leave to a person who is covered under ESI Act, 1948?
(b) Last pay drawn
(c) Salary reduced by the amount of benefit under ESIC
(d) Leave salary as recommended by ESIC
167. What is the maximum period of Special Disability Leave for accidental injury on full leave salary equal to E.L. that can be granted to a Government servant?
(c) 150 days (d) 120 days
168. Mention the Group to which Hospital Leave is admissible:
(c) Group ‘B’ non-Gazetted (d) Group ‘C’
169. To which leave account hospital leave is debited?
(c) Not debited to any leave account (d) Earned Leave
170. What is the total period of Hospital Leave including combination of other kinds of leave that can be granted to a Government servant?
(c) 18 months (d) 12 months
171. What is the maximum period of Seamen’s sick leave allowed to a Government servant?
(c) Six weeks (d) Eight weeks
172. What is the total period of Seamen’s sick leave granted to a Seaman who is disabled in the exercise of his duty?
173. Identify the Rule which deals with grant of special leave to an aggrieved female Government servant during inquiry on sexual harassment:
174. Who is eligible for grant of Study Leave?
(b) Group ‘B’ Gazetted Officers only
(c) Group ‘C’ staff only
(d) All Gazetted and Non-Gazetted staff
175. What is the minimum period of service required for sanction of Study Leave?
176. Study Leave may not be granted to a Government servant who is due to reach the age of superannuation within …….. years from the date on which he is expected to return to duty after leave.
177. Name the course from the l following for which Study Leave is not
(b) Course connected with Public Administration
(c) Course of study for obtaining Ph.D.
(d) Study in regular academic courses
178. What is the maximum period of Study Leave admissible to a Government servant other than CHS Officers during entire service?
179. What are all the allowances computed for payment of Leave Salary in respect of Government servant who is availing study leave in India?
(b) Pay plus DA and HRA
(c) Pay excluding other allowances
(d) Pay, DA, HRA and Study Allowance
180. Study Leave can be granted to a Government servant who is not due to reach superannuation within …………. years from the date on which he is expected to return after study leave—
181. What is the maximum period of Study Leave that can be granted to Central Health Service Officers during the entire service?
(a) 36 months (b) 42 months (c) 48 months (d) 24 months
182. Who will meet the cost of fees paid for study during Study Leave?
(a) Government
(b) Government servant
(c) Institute which offers study
(d) Partly by Government and Institute
183. From the following, name the Institute that offers Fellowship for which Study Leave is admissible.
(a) IIT (b) IIM
(c) Regional Labour Institute (d) Indian Institute of Sciences
184. Whether the official granted study leave is entitled for drawal of TA?
(a) Not entitled
(b) Entitled in exceptional circumstances
(c) Partly entitled
(d) None
185. What is the maximum period of interruption that can be waived for authorizing the payment of Study Allowance?
(a) 20 days (b) 15 days (c) 14 days (d) 10 days
186. What is the maximum period up to which Study Allowance can be sanctioned?
(a) 12 months
(b) 24 months
(c) 18 months
(d) Study Allowance not admissible
187. Name the allowance which is inadmissible during Study Leave.
(a) DA
(b) HRA
(c) Travelling Allowance, in exceptional circumstances
(d) Study Allowance
188. Who is the Competent Authority to concur with the relaxation of rules / provisions incorporated in CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972?
(a) Head of Department
(b) Concerned Ministry of the Department
(c) President
(d) Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions.
189. A temporary Government servant from a Civil department who has been permitted to take up Military service during emergency had applied for leave while in Military service. Mention the leave account, to which the leave actually availed by him, is to be debited.
(a) Leave account of Military service
(b) Leave account of Civil service
(c) Both the leave accounts
(d) None of the above
190. A temporary Government servant has been transferred to an Autonomous Corporation under Central Government, consequent on the conversion of the Department into such body. Is he eligible to carry forward the leave at his credit on the date of permanent absorption?
(a) Not eligible (b) Eligible
(c) Eligible for 50% at his credit (d) Eligible for 75% at his credit
191. Which leave rule is applicable to a Government servant, lent by the State Government to the Central Government?
(a) CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972
(b) Both the Leave Rules (viz. State and Central)
(c) Concerned State Government Leave Rules
(d) None of the Leave Rules
192. Who is the Competent Authority to grant leave in cases where a period of leave has already been sanctioned by the Department and the Government servant is transferred to another Department where he has to join, on the expiry of leave?
(a) Department from which he is transferred
(b) Department to which he is transferred
(c) Either of the Department
(d) None of the above
193. Who is the Competent Authority to grant leave to a Government servant in cases where the leave is applied for by him, during the period of transit from one Department to another Department?
(a) Department from which he is transferred
(b) Department to which he is transferred
(c) Either of the Department
(d) None of the above
194. Who is the Competent Authority to grant extension of leave to a Government servant where the leave is applied by him in continuation of the leave already sanctioned by the Office from which he is transferred?
(a) Office from which he is transferred
(b) Office to which he is transferred
(c) Either office from which he is transferred or to which he is transferred
(d) None of the above
195. What is the leave entitlement of temporary status casual labourers on employment to a Department and subordinate offices of Government of India except Railway, Telecommunications and Postal Department?
(a) On a pro rata basis at the rate of one day for every 10 days of work.
(b) On a pro rata basis at the rate of one day for every 20 days of work.
(c) On a pro rata basis at the rate of one day for every 30 days of work.
(d) On a pro rata basis at the rate of one day for every 15 days of work.
196. Whether the temporary status casual labourers are entitled to the benefits of encashment of leave on their termination of service / quitting service?
(a) Yes (b) No
(c) Yes, 50% of leave at credit (d) Yes, 25% of leave at credit
197. Whether the women temporary status casual labourers are entitled to Maternity Leave?
(a) No
(b) Yes
(c) Yes. But restricted to 135 days
(d) None
198. Name the kind of leave which is not admissible to Officers appointed on contract basis in various posts for more than one year.
(a) Earned Leave (b) Half Pay Leave
(c) Extraordinary Leave (d) Study Leave
199. What is the maximum period of EOL that can be granted to Officers on contract basis for more than a year but less than five years?
(a) 60 days (b) 90 days
(c) 120 days (d) 180 days
200. What is the minimum period of appointment required for encashment of leave to an officer appointed on contract basis?
(a) 2 years (b) 3 years
(c) 5 years (d) No minimum period
201. What is the maximum period of leave for which encashment is allowed to Officers appointed on contract basis at the time of termination of contract?
(a) 240 days
(b) 300 days less the period allowed in previous appointment
(c) 200 days less the period allowed in previous appointment
(d) 300 days without any deduction
202. What is the maximum number of days of Casual Leave that can be granted to a Government servant at any one time?
(a) 8 days (b) 5 days (c) 6 days (d) 7 days
203. What is the maximum entitlement of Casual Leave to a Government servant who is not entitled to 17 days of public holidays during the calendar year?
(a) 8 days (b) 9 days (c) 10 days (d) 12 days
204. What is the number of additional Special Casual Leave, admissible to a Government servant who has disability, to meet the requirements relating to his disability?
(a) 2 days (b) 4 days (c) 6 days (d) 8 days
205. What is the maximum period of Special Casual Leave that can be granted to a Government servant during a calendar year for participating in Trekking expeditions?
(a) 5 days (b) 10 days (c) 20 days (d) 30 days
206. A Government servant has applied for grant of Special Casual Leave for 15 days in connection with participation in inter-Departmental tournaments of Sports at Mumbai. What is his maximum eligibility?
(a) 5 working days days (b) 10 working days
(c) 20 working days (d) 30 working days
207. A woman employee who is selected for participating in sports events for 15 days from 1st March to 15th March (i.e. Hockey) abroad viz. Berlin conducted by the International Sports Body, has requested her office to treat the said period as duty. Is she eligible? If so, to what extent?
(a) Not admissible
(b) Yes. The entire period is to be treated as duty
(c) Yes. Eligible for Special Casual Leave
(d) Yes. Eligible for grant of regular leave
208. A Government servant who is selected as Technical Official for participation in National Sports event viz. Badminton at New Delhi for 20 days from 1st September to 20th September, has requested his office to treat the said period as duty. Is he eligible for such request? If so, to what extent?
(a) Yes. To be treated as duty
(b) Not eligible
(c) Eligible for Special Casual Leave only
(d) Eligible for Earned Leave
209. A woman Government servant who has been selected for participation in dancing competition organized at National level, has requested for grant of Special Casual Leave for 5 days for practice in connection with the above activity organized locally. Is she eligible for such request? If so, to what extent?
(a) Yes
(b) Not admissible
(c) Admissible; to be treated as duty
(d) Not admissible, to be treated as EOL
210. Whether the period of absence in excess of 30 days of Special Casual Leave during a calendar year granted to an employee who had participated in Trekking Expeditions, which has been organized by Youth Hostels Association of India, is permissible for combination of regular leave? If so, what kind of leave is permissible from the following?
(a) Casual Leave (b) Earned Leave
(c) Not allowed to combine (d) Study Leave
211. What is the maximum period of Special Casual Leave that can be granted to a male Government servant who has undergone vasectomy operation for the 1st time under the Family Welfare Programme?
(a) 2 working days (b) 3 working days
(c) 4 working days (d) 5 working days
212. What is the maximum period of Special Casual Leave that is admissible to a female employee who has undergone Tubectomy operation for the 1st time under the Family Welfare Programme?
(a) 5 working days (b) 10 working days
(c) 15 working days (d) 20 working days
213. What is the maximum period of Special Casual Leave that can be granted to a female Government servant for Salpingectomy operation along with Medical Termination of Pregnancy and availed Maternity Leave for 45 days under Rule 43?
(a) 5 working days (b) 10 working days
(c) 15 working days (d) Nil. Not admissible
214. A male Government servant whose wife has undergone Tubectomy operation for the 2nd time due to failure of the 1st operation, has applied for grant of Special Casual Leave along with the M.C. What is the permissible limit of Special Casual Leave?
(a) 3 working days (b) 5 working days
(c) 7 working days (d) 10 working days
215. A male Government servant whose wife has undergone Salpingectomy operation after Medical Termination of Pregnancy, has requested for grant of Special Casual Leave. How many days of Special Casual Leave are admissible?
(a) 5 working days (b) 6 working days
(c) 7 working days (d) 8 working days
216. A woman employee has requested for grant of Special Casual Leave as her husband has undergone vasectomy operation. How many days of leave are she entitled to?
(a) 4 days
(b) 3 days
(c) one day on the date of operation
(d) 2 days following the date of operation
217. A woman who had already availed Special Casual Leave for 10 days for Tubectomy operation, has again applied for grant of Special Casual Leave, in continuation of earlier Special Casual Leave as she is hospitalized on the advice of Hospital authorities on account of post-operational complications. Is she eligible for 2nd spell of Special Casual leave?
If so, what is her entitlement?
(a) 5 days
(b) 7 days
(c) 9 days
(d) The period during which she is hospitalized
218. A Government servant who has lost all his children after having undergone the vasectomy operation earlier, has requested for grant of special casual leave for recanalization operation in a recognized hospital. Is he entitled for grant of Special Casual Leave again? If so, the period up to which Special Casual Leave is admissible?
(a) 21 days (b) 30 days (c) 40 days (d) 45 days
219. Whether Special Casual Leave is admissible to a casual labourer with Temporary status, who has undergone sterilization operation?
(a) Admissible
(b) Not admissible
(c) Admissible with relaxation by the Competent Authority
(d) 50% of leave admissible for a regular employee
220. What is the maximum period of Special Casual Leave granted in a year to a re-employed civil Government servant who is in receipt of disability pension to assess his disability pension by Medical Re-survey Board?
(a) 10 days (b) 12 days (c) 15 days (d) 20 days
221. How many days of Special Casual Leave is allowed to staff member of Departmental Council of JCM for attending each meeting?
(a) 5 days (b) 4 days (c) 2 days (d) 1 day
222. An official who is one of the Staff Side members of Departmental Council of JCM has requested to treat the day preceding the date of the meeting of Departmental Council, as a duty period. But the Competent Authority has refused to accept the request. What is his entitlement?
(a) To be treated as Special Casual Leave
(b) To be treated as Regular Leave
(c) To be treated as duty
(d) To be treated as C.L.
223. What is the maximum number of days of Special Casual Leave during the year that can be allowed to a Government who is an office bearer of recognized service Associations / Unions of Central Government?
(a) 10 days (b) 15 days (c) 20 days (d) 30 days
224. What is the maximum period up to which Special Casual Leave can be allowed during a year to a Government servant who is a member of executive committee of recognized All India Federation to attend its meeting?
(a) 5 days (b) 10 days (c) 15 days (d) 20 days
225. What is the maximum period of Special Casual Leave admissible during a year to a Government servant who is a local member of Executive Committee of Branch of All India recognized Association to attend its meeting?
(a) 10 days (b) 8 days (c) 6 days (d) 5 days
226. A Government servant who was called for an interview in connection with Indian Naval Volunteer Reserve, withdrew his candidature for the interview at the last hour and requested for grant of Special Casual Leave for having reached the destination. Is he entitled for the Special Casual Leave?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Absence to be treated as duty
(d) Absence to be treated as regular leave
227. A Civil servant is called for training in the Territorial Army, on his relief from Military Service to Civil Service Post. How is the period of transit to be treated?
(a) To be treated as duty
(b) To be treated as Casual Leave
(c) To be treated as Special Casual Leave
(d) To be treated as Regular Leave
228. A Government servant desires to appear for an open competition examination to be held by the UPSC. As a Departmental candidate, what is his leave entitlement to attend the said examination?
(a) To be treated as duty period
(b) To be treated as Special Casual Leave
(c) To be treated as absence
(d) To be treated as Regular Leave / CL
229. How is the period of absence from duty of a Government servant who appeared for the proficiency test conducted by the SSC for grant of advance increment to Stenographer (OG) in the subordinate office treated?
(a) To be treated as duty
(b) To be treated as Special Casual Leave
(c) To be treated as Regular Leave
(d) To be treated as CL
230. A Government servant who is an office bearer of Co-operative Society which is situated outside the Headquarter, has requested for grant of Special Casual Leave for 3 days to attend Annual General body meeting of the society. What is the maximum entitlement of Special Casual Leave for this purpose during the calendar year?
(a) 5 days (b) 8 days (c) 10 days (d) 12 days
231. Who is empowered to grant Special Casual Leave to Central Government Employees who are unable to undertake journey to their office on account of Bandh / Natural calamaties?
(a) Head of Office (b) Head of Department
(c) Ministry concerned (d) Department of Per. & Trg.
232. Unless the President, in view of the exceptional circumstances of the case otherwise determines, no Government servant shall be granted leave of any kind for a continuous period exceeding ……………… years.
(a) two (b) three (c) four (d) five
233. What is the minimum distance between the place of duty and the residence of a Government servant stipulated for grant of Special Casual Leave in the case of failure of transportation on account of Bandh?
(a) More than 3 miles (b) More than 4 miles
(c) More than 5 miles (d) More than 6 miles
234. How many days of Special Casual Leave are admissible to a Government servant who is participating in the meetings of the Central Committee of Hindi Parishad at Delhi?
(a) 2 days (b) 3 days (c) 4 days (d) 5 days
235. What is the maximum entitlement of Special Casual Leave in a year to a Government servant who is the Office-bearer working in the Central Secretariat at Delhi for attending activities of the Hindi Parishad?
(a) 10 days (b) 20 days (c) 25 days (d) 30 days
236. What is the entitlement to a Government servant who is enrolled as a voter in a particular constituency and if his office does not happen to be closed on the election day of State Assembly, to enable him to exercise his franchise?
(a) Permission by way of coming late / leaving early / from the office
(b) To be treated as CL
(c) Leave to be treated as Special Casual Leave
(d) Absence to be treated as duty
237. Choose from the following for which Special Casual Leave is not admissible to a Government servant.
(a) Donating blood at recognized Blood Banks
(b) Participation in the Republic parade as a member of the St. John Ambulance Brigade
(c) Training and duty as member of Home Guards
(d) To exercise franchise during the elections of Panchayat / Local bodies
238. What is the maximum entitlement of Special Casual Leave to a Government servant who is associated with the activities of St. John Ambulance Brigade during a calendar year?
(a) 3 days (b) 5 days (c) 7 days (d) 9 days
239. How many days of Special CL in a calendar year is a Government servant with disabilities entitled to for participation in the training / workshop related to Disability and Development programmes organized at National level?
(a) 5 days (b) 8 days (c) 10 days (d) 12 days
240. How many months of leave may be granted to a Government servant, if the Medical Authority is unable to say with certainty that a Government servant will never again be fit for service?
(a) 15 months (b) 12 months (c) 20 months (d) 24 months
241. How many months of leave together with any period of duty beyond leave, may be granted to a Government servant, if he is declared by a Medical Authority to be completely and permanently incapacitated for further service?
(a) 4 months (b) 8 months (c) 12 months (d) 6 months
242. Can compensatory leave granted to a Government servant in lieu of duty performed on a Sunday or a holiday be treated as holiday for prefixing /suffixing it to leave?
(a) Yes. But only Sunday allowed
(b) Yes
(c) Yes. But duty performed on a closed holiday only allowed
(d) Not at all allowed
243. Which of the following sentences is NOT correct with respect to Child Care Leave granted to women employees?
(a) An employee on CCL may be permitted to leave headquarters
(b) LTC may be availed while on CCL
(c) An employee on CCL may be permitted to proceed on foreign travel
(d) An employee has to avail a minimum of 15 days CCL
244. Indicate the Rule for “Recall to duty before expiry of leave”?
(a) Rule 22 (b) Rule 24 (c) Rule 23 (d) Rule 25
245. What are the service benefits that get affected, if the wilful absence from duty is not regularized by the competent authority and treated as dies non?
(a) Increment (b) Leave (c) Pension (d) All the above
246. What are the rules relating to action warranted against Government servants remaining absent from duty without grant of leave?
(a) FR 17-A (b) Proviso to FR 17 (1)
(c) Rule 32 (6) of CCS (Leave) Rules (d) All the above Rules
247. Indicate the number of days of EL at credit to be given for every calendar year?
(a) 40 days (b) 60 days (c) 30 days (d) 45 days
248. What is the maximum limit of EL accumulation in addition to the number of days encashed along with LTC?
(a) 240 days (b) 280 days (c) 300 days (d) 285 days
249. What is the maximum number of days EL to be granted at a time in India?
(a) 240 days (b) 300 days (c) 160 days (d) 180 days
250. What is the maximum limit of EL granted in respect of Class I or Class II service?
(a) 180 days
(b) 285 days
(c) 300 days and any portion of leave spent outside India, i.e. Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Srilanka, Nepal and Pakistan
(d) 300 days at a time
251. What will be the EL at credit on 30-6-2017 if a Government servant joins duty on 2nd March, 2017?
(a) 15 days (b) 10 days (c) 8 days (d) 9 days
252. A Government servant retired on superannuation on 31-8-2017. His leave at credit as on 30-6-2017 was 280 days. What will be total EL at credit for encashment on 31-8-2017.
(a) 280 days (b) 286 days (c) 285 days (d) 295 days
253. A Central Government employee drawing ` 43,600 in Level 6 from 1-7-2017 with EL at credit of 200 days and 100 days of HPL at credit resigned from service on 20-7-2017 F/N. What will his leave encashment be at the time of his resignation?
(a) ` 1,52,600 (b) ` 4,57,800 (c) ` 3,81,500 (d) ` 2,28,900
254. ‘A’ was dismissed from service on 30-9-2018 F/N. The EL at credit on 30-6-2018 was 250 days. What will be the EL at his credit for encashment on 30-9-2018?
(a) 250 days (b) 265 days (c) 270 days (d) 255 days
255. ‘X’ died during duty on 31-3-2018. He was having 260 days EL at credit on 31-12-2017? What will be the total EL at credit on the date of his death?
(a) 275 days (b) 268 days (c) 266 days (d) 260 days
256. Mr. ‘K’ availed EOL without MC for 16 days during the month of March, 2018 and dies non 4 days for the month of May, 2018. His leave at credit on 1-1-2018 was 270 days. What will be his leave at credit as on 1-7-2018?
(a) 283 days (b) 285 days (c) 280 days (d) 282 days
257. What is the entitlement of EL, when a Government servant availed full vacation in the vacation department?
(a) 30 days (b) 20 days (c) Not admissible (d) 15 days
258. Is TA admissible to a Government servant if recalled from vacation in public interest?
(a) Not admissible (b) Only 50% admissible
(c) Admissible in full under SR 142 (d) Only 25% admissible
259. What is the HPL credit on 1-7-2018, if a Government servant is appointed on 2-1-2018?
(a) 10 days (b) 6 days (c) 8 days (d) 15 days
260. Mr. ‘R’ who was having 250 days of HPL at credit on 1-7-2018, died on 30-9-2018. What will be the total HPL at credit on the date of his death?
(a) 258 days (b) 255 days (c) 259 days (d) 260 days
261. Mr. ‘K’ was having 240 days HPL at credit on 1-1-2018. He was on an unauthorized absence for a period from 2-3-2018 to 6-4-2018 which was treated as dies non. What will be the HPL at his credit as on 1-7-2018.
(a) 250 days (b) 255 days (c) 248 days (d) 260 days
262. Under what circumstances can commuted leave be taken without Medical Certificate?
(a) For an approved course of study in public interest
(b) For personal reasons
(c) To visit abroad
(d) For study of PG at one’s own effort
263. Under what circumstance can commuted leave be granted when EL at credit is available?
(a) Only at the request of the Government servant
(b) By default
(c) Sanctioning authority desires or willing to sanction
(d) None of the above
264. If LND is granted to a Government servant and he dies without returning to duty, what is the quantum of leave salary to be recovered?
(a) 50% leave salary
(b) No leave salary to be recovered
(c) 75% of leave salary
(d) 25% of leave salary
265. 24 months of EXOL can be granted to the Government servant (having 3 or more years service) for the following purpose:—
(a) To visit abroad
(b) For domestic purposes
(c) Prosecuting studies certified in public interest
(d) None of the above
266. What category of officials will be eligible for grant of EXOL exceeding 3 months, for attending pre-examination training course by the Government?
(a) MBC (b) BC (c) SC/ST (d) OC
(a) EXOL (b) EL (c) HPL (d) All the above
268. What is the overall limit for encashment of leave salary including EL and HPL?
(a) 450 days (b) 500 days (c) 300 days (d) 240 days
269. Indicate the extent to which leave salary can be encashed where a Government servant has been compulsorily retired as a measure of punishment and whose pension has been reduced:—
(a) Full leave at credit (b) 25% leave at credit
(c) 50% leave at credit (d) 75% leave at credit
270. Which of the allowances will not be taken into account for the purpose of calculating encashment of leave salary?
(a) HRA (b) Headquarter allowance
(c) Annual allowance (d) None of the above
271. Which CCS (Leave) Rule is applicable for encashment of leave salary in respect of Public Sector Undertaking / AB by State / Central Government?
(a) Rule 39 (b) Rule 39-A (c) Rule 39-D (d) Rule 39-B
272. What kind of leave is not eligible for drawal of any leave salary?
(a) EL (b) EXOL (c) HPL (d) Commuted Leave
273. What are the allowances to be taken into account for the purpose of calculation of leave salary?
(a) Dearness Allowance (b) House Rent Allowance
(c) Risk Allowance (d) All above
274. Central Government Staff are permitted to encash 10 days EL at the time of availing LTC. A balance of EL that should be available at his credit after taking into account the period of encashment as well as leave should be atleast—
(a) 120 days (b) 60 days (c) 30 days (d) 100 days
275. An apprentice is entitled to get—
1. Leave on MC, on leave salary equivalent to half pay for a period not exceeding one month in any year of apprenticeship.
2. An extraordinary leave under Rule 32 of Leave Rules.
Which of the above statement is/are correct?
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
276. What is the maximum number of days granted as Maternity Leave to a female Government servant at a time?
(a) 90 days (b) 160 days (c) 180 days (d) 240 days
277. Maternity Leave of 45 days will not be granted in respect of the following cases:—
(a) Abortion (b) Miscarriage
(c) Threatened abortion (d) Induced abortion
278. In which leave account will Maternity Leave be debited?
(a) EL account
(b) HPL account
(c) Not to be debited in any leave account
(d) LND account
279. How many days of Paternity Leave will a male Government servant be eligible to?
(a) 15 days (b) 30 days (c) 20 days (d) 45 days
280. Whether child adoption leave is admissible to a female employee already having two surviving children?
(a) Yes. 100% of child adoption leave
(b) Yes. But 50% of child adoption leave
(c) Yes. But 25% of child adoption leave
(d) No. Child adoption leave not admissible
281. Indicate correct number of spells for which CCL can be granted in a calendar year?
(a) 5 spells (b) Not more than 3 spells
(c) 6 spells (d) 4 spells
282. Which of the following allowances is taken into account for calculating leave encashment benefits at the time of retirement?
(a) Dearness Allowance (b) Headquarters Allowance
(c) Risk Allowance (d) House Rent Allowance
283. Who is eligible for grant of special disability leave?
(a) A normally disabled person
(b) Physically handicapped person
(c) Disabled by injury, intentionally inflicted consequent on the due performance of official duties
(d) None of the above
284. CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 shall be applicable to the following Government servants:—
(a) Members of All India Service
(b) Railway servants
(c) Daily-rated or part-time appointees
(d) None of the above
285. What is the date of effect for application of CCS (Leave) Rules to the employees of Non-statutory departmental canteens?
(a) 1-1-1991 (b) 1-10-1991 (c) 1-7-1992 (d) 1-1-1996
286. Whether ad hoc employees are eligible for earned leave? If yes, to what extent?
(a) Not eligible (b) Yes. 2 days per month
(c) Yes. 2 ½ days per month (d) Yes. 1 ½ days per month
287. A female Government servant who has 4 surviving children requested for sanction of Maternity Leave on account of abortion along with Medical Certificate. Is she eligible for such request?
(a) Not eligible
(b) Eligible for 30 days
(c) Eligible for 180 days
(d) Eligible for 45 days during entire service
288. Evaluate — A Government servant applied for EL, but the competent authority changed the kind of leave as HPL — Evaluate.
(a) The authority’s decision is in order
(b) The authority cannot alter the kind of leave
(c) Authority asked the official to apply for commuted leave
(d) Authority asked orally to change the leave
289. Leave cannot be denied to an official during his last …………….. years of his service:—
(a) 15 years (b) 12 years (c) 16 years (d) 10 years
290. What will happen to his leave at credit, when a Government servant applies for another post under the Government of India but outside his parent office or department and forwarded his application through proper channel and is required to resign his post before taking up the new one?
(a) His leave at credit shall lapse
(b) 50% of leave at credit will be taken into account
(c) His leave at credit shall not lapse
(d) 75% of leave at credit will be taken into account
291. What is the time-limit for commutation of one kind of leave into another while rejoining duty?
(a) Six months (b) 3 months (c) 30 days (d) 90 days
292. Half Pay Leave up to a maximum of ……………. days may be allowed to be commuted during the entire service (without production of Medical Certificate) where such leave is utilized for an approved course of study certified to be in the public interest by the leave Sanctioning Authority.
(a) 90 (b) 120 (c) 150 (d) 180
293. Whether EXOL on MC can be commuted retrospectively into LND?
(a) Cannot be commuted
(b) Only 50% may be commuted
(c) Only 75% may be commuted
(d) May be commuted retrospectively into LND subject to Proviso of Rule 31
294. What will be the effect if a Government servant remains absent for a continuous period exceeding 5 years other than on foreign service without valid reasons?
(a) Deemed to have resigned from service
(b) Compulsory retirement
(c) Normal retirement
(d) Voluntary Retirement
295. Whether previous permission / sanction is necessary for a Government servant to take up private employment while on leave in India?
(a) Previous permission is not necessary
(b) President’s sanction is necessary
(c) Leave sanctioning authority’s permission is necessary
(d) Previous sanction from the Competent Authority is necessary
296. How should a Government servant apply for leave? Is it necessary to apply for leave in a prescribed form?
(a) No application form is necessary
(b) To apply in white paper
(c) To apply in prescribed Form 1
(d) To inform over phone
297. Who will maintain the leave account of Gazatted Government servants whose pay and allowances are drawn and disbursed by the Head of Office?
(a) Head of the Department (b) Ministry concerned
(c) Head of office (d) Next higher authority
298. When admissibility report is delayed, a competent authority can grant ………….. days leave on provisional basis —
(a) 45 days (b) 60 days (c) 30 days (d) 90 days
299. Under what circumstances leave should not be granted by competent / punishing authority?
(a) In case of dismissal
(b) In case of removal
(c) In case of compulsory retirement from service
(d) All above
300. Leave should not be sanctioned during ……………..
(a) Suspension (b) Transfer (c) Tour (d) Joining Time
301. Is the leave sanctioning authority competent to depute a Government servant for second medical opinion during grant of Medical leave?
(a) At the discretion of leave sanctioning authority
(b) Not necessary
(c) Optional
(d) None of the above
302. An official was on leave for 30 days from 20-12-2015 to 19-1-2016. What will be his leave salary for the period from 1-1-2016 to 19-1-2016? The official has opted to switch over to the revised pay structure from 1-1-2016.
(a) Leave salary on the basis of pre-revised pay
(b) No leave salary to be paid
(c) Leave salary on revised pay
(d) Leave salary on pre-revised pay only for the period from 20-12-2015 to 31-1-2016
303. Who is competent to issue a Medical Certificate for grant of Commuted Leave to a Government servant who has opted out of CGHS facilities and is availing Medical facilities provided by the employer of his / her spouse?
(a) CGHS Doctors
(b) AMA
(c) Medical Practitioners approved by the employer of the spouse
(d) RMP
304. What is the advance credit of earned leave on 1st January and 1st July of every year—
(a) 20 days (b) 30 days
(c) 15 days (d) None of the above
305. Commuted Leave up to ………….. days may be granted without Medical Certificate to a female Government servant on adoption of a child in continuation of Child Adoption Leave.
(a) 45 (b) 60 (c) 120 (d) 180
306. While credit is afforded to the leave account, it is reduced by 1/10th of any period of EOL / dies non during the previous half year, subject to a maximum of –
(a) Number of days of EOL / dies non (b) 15 days
(c) 30 days (d) None of the above
307. A Government servant while on tour avails ½ day casual leave at the tour station. How much entitlement of his daily allowance should be deducted from his TA Bill for his availing half-a-day casual leave at the tour station?
(a) One full daily allowance
(b) Half-a-day’s daily allowance
(c) No deduction of daily allowance as even after ½ day C.L. he was at the duty point for more than 12 hours
(d) None of the above
308. A lady officer has applied for Child Care Leave for 45 days with effect from 4th April to 18th May. Whether the Saturday and Sunday and holidays falling during the period of Child Care Leave will also be counted as Child Care Leave?
(a) Holidays falling during CCL will also be counted as CCL
(b) Intervening holidays not to be counted as Child Care Leave
(c) Will be counted as Earned leave
(d) None of the above
309. Overstayal of leave debited to HPL account without leave salary :—
(a) Will count for increment
(b) Will not count for increment
(c) Will be treated as duty
(d) Will be treated as duty and counted for increment
310. Ceiling on availing EL at a time if leave spent in India is :—
(a) 120 days (b) 180 days (c) 240 days (d) 5 years
311. The number of days of EL that can be encashed at the time of availing LTC on a single occasion is :—
(a) 60 days (b) 10 days (c) Up to 10 days (d) No limit
312. How many days of Special Casual Leave can be availed by an aggrieved woman employee during the pendency of inquiry under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013?
(a) 60 days (b) 75 days (c) 45 days (d) 90 days
313. How will the leave granted to a female Government servant in connection with inquiry of sexual harassment be treated?
(a) Will be debited to leave account as special leave
(b) Will not be debited to leave account
(c) Will be treated as Special Casual Leave
(d) Will be deducted from her EL at credit
314. The leave which is independent of duty period is :
(a) Earned Leave (b) Casual Leave
(c) Commuted Leave (d) Half pay Leave
315. The maximum period up to which Hospital Leave in combination with any other kind of leave can be sanctioned is :—
(a) 24 months (b) 12 months (c) 5 years (d) 28 months
316. When can a day not be marked as dies non?
(a) When the official remains absent from duty without prior permission
(b) When the official becomes a habitual late comer
(c) When the official leaves the office without prior permission
(d) When the official remains in office but refuses to perform duty assigned to him
317. ‘X’ has been sanctioned 30 days of Half Pay Leave in conjunction with 20 days of Leave Not Due. His pay drawn before proceeding on leave was ` 10,000. His leave salary per month will be —
(a) ` 10,000 (b) ` 8,000 (c) ` 5,000 (d) ` 4,000
318. Consider the following statements regarding agreement with the facility of child adoption leave admissible to a female Government servant—
1. The facility is admissible when she does not have surviving child.
2. Leave for a period of 180 days immediately after the date of valid adoption is admissible and such leave may be combined with leave of any kind.
Which of these statements is correct?
(a) Both 1 and 2
(b) Neither 1 nor 2
(c) 1 only
(d) 2 only
319. How would the requests of two Government servants who were sanctioned earned leave for 3 months each, to return to duty before expiry of the period of leave sanctioned to them be acted upon? One of them was sanctioned the leave preparatory to his retirement and no officiating arrangements were made to fill the vacancies in both the cases.
(a) In both the cases, the Government servants may be allowed to join duties of posts held by them before proceeding on leave, with the approval of the authority that had sanctioned them the leave.
(b) Both the Government servants may be allowed to join duties of the posts held by them with the approval of the heads of the department concerned.
(c) While in the case of the Government servant who was sanctioned leave preparatory to his retirement, may be permitted to join duties with the approval of the appropriate authority of the post from which he proceeded on leave, the other Government servant may be permitted to join duties with the approval of the authority which had granted him the leave.
(d) None of the above
320. A temporary Government servant applies for leave in excess of the limits prescribed under Rule 32 of CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972. The request was considered by the competent authority and since he was convinced that the grounds adduced in support of the request were not genuine or exceptional, only the leave due and admissible to him was sanctioned. The Government servant, however, continued to remain absent without authority.
How the period of his absence would be treated?
(a) The period of unauthorized absence would be treated as dies non, his past service will be forfeited and disciplinary action will be initiated after obtaining an explanation from him for the unauthorized absence and consideration of the same.
(b) The period of unauthorized absence would be adjusted against half pay leave that may accrue to him later.
(c) The period of unauthorized absence would be treated as extraordinary leave that may be adjusted against the earned leave that may accrue to him subsequently.
(d) None of the above.
321. In the case of employees who do not hold any regular post under the Government are engaged on ad hoc basis and their appointments are not treated as ad hoc for technical reasons, whether earned leave would be admissible and how the leave would be regulated?
(a) Ad hoc employees are not entitled to leave of any kind and therefore there is no question of regulating it.
(b) Such employees can be allowed leave at the rate of 2 ½ days for every completed month of service and in case of their continuance in service beyond 3 years without break, earned leave as admissible to temporary employees should be extended to them.
(c) Encashment of the leave may be allowed just as temporary Government employees would have been treated.
(d) None of the above
322. A Government servant who was sanctioned study leave had sought voluntary retirement from service within two years of his return from leave. What action can be taken by the Government servant in case he persists with his request?
(a) He may be permitted to retire from service on expiry of the notice period or payment in lieu thereof.
(b) He may be permitted to retire on refund of the actual amount of leave salary, study allowance, expenditure, if any on fees, travel and other expenditure, the cost incurred by other agencies in connection with the course of study etc. together with interest thereon as per the applicable rate, in case not exempted by the competent authority.
(c) He should not be given permission to retire and action should be initiated against him for non-fulfilment of the conditions related to grant of the leave.
(d) None of the above.
323. A Government servant was granted ‘leave not due’ on medical grounds for 180 days. Before expiry of such leave, he had applied for and has been permitted to retire voluntarily from service without returning to duty.
How shall the leave granted to him be regulated in such a situation?
(a) Leave not due availed by him up to the date of application for voluntary retirement will be regularized by adjusting the number of days involved against the earned leave and HPL accrued and recovery of leave salary for the remaining period.
(b) Leave not due sanctioned shall be cancelled, his resignation would be made effective from the date on which he had proceeded on leave and leave salary paid to him would be recovered.
(c) He would be allowed to retire from service after expiry of the leave period.
(d) None of the above
324. For the purpose of leave, employees of State Governments and Central /State Public Sector Undertakings / Central Autonomous bodies who join Central Government departments on short-term deputation basis are governed by—
(a) The leave rules applicable to them in their parent organizations.
(b) Special set of leave rules issued by the Department of Personnel and Training.
(c) CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 for the duration for which they remain with the Central Government department.
(d) The terms and conditions of appointment as finalized by the Government in individual cases.
325. A request of the Government servant for conversion of one kind of leave into another kind which was due and admissible to him at the time when the leave was granted originally, may be considered by the competent authority in case such a request has been received—
(a) Within 30 days of the concerned Government servant joining his duty on expiry of the leave already sanctioned.
(b) At any time before his retirement on superannuation.
(c) Within one year of his joining duty on expiry of the leave.
(d) Within a maximum period of 4 months after he ceases to be in the employment
326. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists :—
List I List II
(purpose of leave) (Maximum admissible duration)
a. Miscarriage and abortion
Code : a b c d
(a) 2 4 1 3
(b) 3 4 1 2
(c) 2 1 4 3
(d) 3 1 4 2
327. An officer with half a day’s CL at his credit was allowed to avail the same during the second half of a working day. He could not report for duty for the next 4 days due to his sudden illness and therefore had applied for grant of EL for 4 days. In such a situation, how would the request of the officer be processed?
(a) Since CL cannot be combined with earned leave, his request cannot be agreed to.
(b) He may be allowed special casual leave to regularize the absence.
(c) May be sanctioned extraordinary leave to regularize the absence.
(d) His request for earned leave in continuation of the half day CL availed by him may be agreed to in the circumstances stated.
328. A Government servant on commuted leave is entitled to which one of the following percentages of the pay drawn (before commencement of leave) as leave salary ?
(a) 25% (b) 30% (c) 50% (d) 100%
329. A temporary Government servant may be granted extraordinary leave on any occasion but such leave should not exceed—
(a) Three months or six months as the case may be, depending on whether or not he has completed one year of continuous service.
(b) Six months at a time
(c) Twenty four months on medical grounds
(d) None of the above
330. Leave not due on medical certificate may be granted to a permanent Government servant up to a maximum of—
(a) 360 days during the entire service
(b) 360 days or the number of days of half pay leave that he is likely to earn thereafter, whichever is less
(c) 180 days
(d) None of the above
331. During study leave, availed outside India, the leave salary of a Government servant shall include—
(a) Dearness Allowance (b) Study Allowance
(c) Transportation Allowance (d) House Rent Allowance
332. Encashment of earned leave with a balance of 34 days EL on account of availing LTC for the first time is limited to—
(a) 15 days (b) 10 days (c) 4 days (d) 12 days
333. In case of availing child care leave, the age of dependent disabled children should be up to—
(a) 18 years (b) 25 years (c) 22 years (d) No limit
334. Child Care Leave is granted to a single parent for ……………………… spells in a calendar year—
(a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 8 (d) 4
335. Child Care Leave is allowed to—
(a) Male employee
(b) Single male parent
(c) All employees
(d) Single mother with a son aged 20 years
336. Leave salary will be paid during the second year of Child Care Leave at—
(a) 100% of salary (b) 75% of salary
(c) 80% of salary (d) 90% of salary
337. The new type of leave introduced by the Seventh Pay Commission is—
(a) Work Related Intentional Injury Leave
(b) Work Related Inflicted Injury Leave
(c) Work Related Injury Indispensable Leave
(d) Work Related Illness and Injury Leave
338. According to Seventh Pay Commission Report, how many days HPL is allowed to vacational staff ?
(a) 10 days (b) 15 days
(c) No HPL (d) 20 days
339. HPL restored to Principals, Headmasters, Teachers, etc. in vacation department of schools under Central Government has been withdrawn with effect from—
(a) 1-1-2006 (b) 1-9-2006 (c) 1-1-2010 (d) 1-1-2016
340. Which of the following sentences are correct in terms of Earned Leave for persons serving in vacation department?
(a) Shall not be entitled to earned leave if he avails full vacation in any year of duty.
(b) Shall be entitled to proportionate earned leave if a portion of vacation is availed.
(c) The total vacation and earned leave taken in conjunction shall not exceed the earned leave due and admissible at a time under Rule 26.
(d) All the above.
341. Which of the following has the effect of interruption in service?
(a) Authorized leave of absence
(b) Suspension followed by reinstatement or death of Government servant
(c) Joining time while on transfer
(d) Period of absence not covered by grant of leave and treated as ‘dies non’
342. What is the maximum limit of Extraordinary Leave (EXOL) without Medical Certificate of a Government servant which will count for increment as per Rules?
(a) 3 months (b) 120 days
(c) Less than 6 months (d) None of the above
343. What does the term ‘each year of duty’ in respect of vacation department staff mean?
(a) A calendar year of duty performed
(b) Twelve months of duty in vacation department
(c) Twelve months of duty
(d) None of the above
344. A Central Government employee drawing Band Pay ` 12,370 plus` 4,200 Grade Pay from 1-7-2015 with EL at credit 200 days and HPL at credit 100 days resigned from service on 20-7-2015 F/N. What will his EL encashment be at the time of his resignation?
(a) ` 2,41,920 (b) ` 1,20,960 (c) ` 1,51,200 (d) ` 2,72,160
345. The day of death of an official who was on Earned Leave on Medical Certificate is to be treated as—
(a) Special Casual Leave (b) A part of leave
(c) A working day (d) None of the above
346. Leave cannot be claimed as of right. However leave should not ordinarily be denied during—
(a) the last ten years of service (b) the first ten years of service
(c) the last twenty years of service (d) the first five years of service
347. How many days of Special Casual Leave is granted in a calendar year for specific requirements relating to disability of an official with disabilities?
(a) Eight (b) Four (c) Twelve (d) Ten
348. Which of the following sentences are correct with respect to Leave Rules, 1972?
(a) Right to ask for a leave rests with the Government servant
(b) Leave sanctioning authority has the power to refuse or revoke leave according to exigencies of public service
(c) Leave sanctioning authority cannot alter the nature of leave
(d) All the above
349. According to Leave Rules, who grants permission for leaving Headquarters for going abroad while on leave?
(a) Leave Sanctioning Authority
(b) Head of Department
(c) Head of Office
(d) Appointing Authority
350. Decision regarding refusal for permission to leave Headquarters for going abroad while on leave should be communicated within ………….. days from receipt of complete application by Competent Authority.
(a) 12 (b) 21 (c) 30 (d) 10
351. Which of the following kinds of leave are not debited to leave account?
(i) Maternity Leave
(ii) Paternity Leave
(iii) Child Adoption Leave
(iv) Child Care Leave
(v) Special Leave in connection with sexual harassment
(a) (i) to (v) (b) (i) to (iii) and (vi)
(c) (i) to (vi) (d) (i), (ii), (iv) and (v)
352. Which of the following statements are correct with respect to absence after expiry of leave?
(i) No leave salary entitlement for such absence
(ii) Leave account will be debited as though it were half pay to the extent due and excess as EOL
(iii) Wilful absence from duty after expiry of leave will attract disciplinary action
(iv) All the above
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (iv)
353. Which of the following conditions are true in respect of a child of a woman Government servant to entitle her for Child Care Leave?
(a) Child below the age of 18 years
(b) An offspring of any age, if disabled
(c) Child must be one of the two eldest surviving children
(d) All the above
354. Which of the following kinds of leave can be combined with leave of any other kind?
(a) Child Care Leave (b) Maternity Leave
(c) Study Leave (d) All the above
355. Which of the following sentences is correct with respect to Study Allowance granted during study leave?
(a) A Study Allowance is granted to a Government servant who has been granted study leave
(b) Study Allowance is granted during the vacation period also during the course of study
(c) Study Allowance has been abolished since 1-1-2018
(d) Study Allowance is paid for the first 180 days of Study Leave
356. What is the period for which a Government servant is expected to serve the Government if he is granted a study leave of 36 months?
(a) 3 years (b) 5 years (c) 7 years (d) 9 years
357. A Bond executed by a Government servant availing study leave can be transferred from Central Government to—
(a) State Government (b) PSU
(c) Autonomous Body (d) None of the above
358. Which of the following sentences is not true with respect to compensatory off granted to Government employees?
(i) Accumulation of compensatory leave in lieu of duty on Sundays, etc. will not be subject to any limit
(ii) Compensatory leave should be allowed within one month of its becoming due
(iii) At a time any number of days to any number of employees can be granted in case of compensatory leave
(iv) A Joint Secretary or a Head of Department can relax the condition of grant of compensatory leave within one month
(a) (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (d) (iv)
359. Is there any leave encashment allowed in case of contract employees with more than 25 years of service?
(a) 100 days (b) 200 days
(c) 300 days (d) No leave encashment
360. An application for leave under CCS (Leave) Rules has to be made in—
(a) Form III (b) An A4 sheet
(c) Form 2 (d) Form 1
361. Leave Salary in respect of a Government servant who is granted leave during his re-employment will be—
(a) Based on pay drawn by him exclusive of pension and PEG
(b) Based on last pay drawn prior to retirement
(c) Based on pay drawn on date of going on leave
(d) None of the above
362. How much Pay and Allowance will be granted to an employee during the entire period of hospitalization on account of WRIIL?
(a) Full Pay and Allowance (b) 50% of Pay only
(c) 50% of Pay and Allowance (d) None of the above
363. Combination of leave is not permissible in case of —
(a) EL with HPL
(b) Casual Leave with EL
(c) Special Casual Leave with HPL
(d) Commuted Leave with Maternity Leave
364. The following kinds of leave cannot be commuted into any other kind of leave:-
(a) Earned Leave (b) Leave Not Due
(c) Commuted Leave (d) Casual Leave
365. The instalment of Half Pay Leave credited on the first day of January to a Civilian Government servant’s leave account is—
(a) 5 days (b) 10 days (c) 20 days (d) 30 days
Answer Key
1. (c) Rule 1
18. (b) Rule 43-A (2)
71. (b) Rule 29
72. (b) Rule 29
73. (c) Rule 29
74. (c) Rule 28 (1) (a)
75. (d) Rule 13 (2) (a)
76. (b) Rule 29
77. (d) Rule 29
78. (b) Rule 40 (3)
79. (b) Rule 30 (1)
80. (b) Rule 30 (1-A)
81. (b) Rule 40 (4)
82. (b) Rule 30 (1)
83. (b) Rule 30 (1)
84. (c) Rule 30 (2)
85. (b) Rule 43 (4)
86. (d) Rule 31 (1)
87. (b) Rule 31
88. (c) Rule 31 GID (3)
89. (b) Rule 40 (3)
90. (c) Rule 31 (1-A)
91. (b) Rule 31 (2) (b)
92. (c) 2nd proviso below Rule 31 (2)
93. (d) Rule 32
94. (b) Rule 32 (2) (b)
95. (d) Rule 40 (5)
96. (c) Rule 32 (4)
97. (c) Rule 32 (5)
98. (a) Rule 33 (1) (b) (i)
99. (c) Rule 33 (3)
100. (c) Rule 33 (3)
101. (b) Rule 34
102. (d) Rule 38
103. (c) Note below Rule 38
104. (b) Rule 38-A (1)
105. (b) Rule 38-A (1) (b)
106. (a) Rule 38-A (1) (c)
107. (c) Rule 38-A (2) (3)
108. (c) Rule 38-A (4)
109. (c) Rule 38-A (5)
110. (c) Rule 39 (2) (a)
111. (d) Rule 39 (2) (b) (i)
112. (c) Rule 39 (2) (b) (ii)
113. (c) Rule 39 (2) (c)
114. (c) Rule 39 (4)
115. (c) Rule 39 (6) (i)
116. (d) Rule 39 (6) (ii) and GID (5-B)
117. (c) Rule 39 (6) (ii)
118. (d) Rule 39 (6) (a) (iii)
119. (d) Rule 39 (6) (b)
120. (b) Rule 39-A
121. (d) Rule 39-B (1)
122. (a) Rule 39-B (2)
123. (b) Rule 39-C
124. (c) Rule 39-D GID (5)
125. (d) Rule 39-D, GID (5-C)
126. (b) Rule 39-D, GID (3)
127. (c) Rule 39 GID (11)
128. (c) Rule 39-D GID (2)
129. (b) Rule 16 (2) (a)
130. (c) Rule 39-D GID (9)
131. (d) Rule 39-D GIDs (1) and (14)
132. (b) Rule 40 (3)
133. (c) Rule 40 (8)
134. (c) Rule 42
135. (b) Rule 42
136. (c) Rule 43 (1) GID (1)
137. (d) Rule 43 (3)
138. (b) Rule 43 (3), GID (4)
139. (c) Rule 43 (5)
140. (b) Rule 43-B (4)
141. (b) Rule 43 (4) (b)
142. (c) Rule 43-A (1)
143. (d) Rule 43-A (5)
144. (b) Rule 43-AA (1)
145. (b) Rule 43-AA (1)
146. (b) Note 2 below Rule 43-AA
147. (d) Rule 43-B
148. (b) Rule 43-B (3) (b)
149. (c) Rule 43-B, GID (1)
150. (c) Rule 43-B (2)
151. (d) Rule 43-C (1)
152. (b) Rule 43-C
153. (c) Rule 43-C
154. (c) Rule 43-C (2) (b)
155. (d) Rule 43 (3) (i)
156. (b) Rule 43 (3) (iii)
157. (c) Rule 43-C
158. (c) Rule 43-C, GID (5)
159. (c) Rule 43-C, (2) (b)
160. (c) Para. 9.2.9 of VII CPC Report
161. (c) Rule 46
162. (c) OM, dated 2-7-2010
163. (b) Rule 44 (1)
164. (b) Rule 44 (3)
165. (c) Rule 44 (7) (b)
166. (c) Rule 44 (8) (b)
167. (d) Rule 45 (2) (iii)
168. (d) Rule 46 (b)
169. (c) Rule 46 (4)
170. (a) Rule 46 (4)
171. (c) Rule 47 (1)
172. (b) Rule 47 (2)
173. (d) Rule 48
174. (d) Rule 50
175. (c) Rule 50 (5) (i)
176. (a) Rule 50 (5) (ii)
177. (d) Rule 50 (3)
178. (c) Rule 51 (1) (b)
179. (a) Rule 56
180. (b) Rule 50 (5) (ii)
181. (a) Rule 51 (2)
182. (b) Rule 62
183. (b) Rule 51, GID (4)
184. (d) Rule 61
185. (c) Proviso to Rule 57 (3)
186. (d) Rule 57 (6)
187. (d) Rules 60 and 61
188. (d) Rule 65
189. (b) Appendix I – Order (3)
190. (b) Appendix I – Annexure III – Order (2)
191. (c) Appendix I – Para. (c) (1)
192. (a) Appendix I – Annex. III, Para. (c) (2)
193. (b) Appendix I – Annex. III, Para. (c) (2)
194. (c) Appendix I – Annex. III, Para. (c) (2)
195. (a) Appendix I – Annex. III, Para. (D)
196. (b) Appendix I – Annex. III, Para. (D)
197. (b) Appendix I – Annex. III, Para. (D)
198. (d) Appendix II
199. (b) Appendix II
200. (d) Appendix II
201. (b) Appendix II
202. (b) Appendix III
203. (c) Appendix III
204. (b) Appendix III
205. (d) Appendix III – Special Casual Leave Para. 4 (1)
206. (b) Appendix III – Special Casual Leave, Para. A (1) (2)
207. (b) Appendix III – Special Casual Leave, Para. A (1)
208. (c) Appendix III – Special Casual Leave, Sub-Para. 3
209. (b) Appendix III – Special Casual Leave, Para. (2)
210. (b) Appendix III – Para. (4)
211. (d) Appendix III – Para. (B) (1)
212. (b) Appendix III – Para. (B) (2)
213. (d) Appendix III – Para. (B) (2)
214. (a) Appendix III – Para. (B) (3)
215. (c) Appendix III – Para. (B) (3) (b)
216. (c) Appx. III – Para. (B) (4)
217. (d) Appx. III – Para. (B) (5)
218. (a) Appx. III – Para. (B) (8)
219. (b) Appx. III – Para. (B) (10)
220. (c) Appx. III – Para. (C)
221. (d) Appx. III – Para. (D) (1)
222. (c) Appx. III – Para. (D) (1)
223. (c) Appx. III – Para. (D) (2)
224. (b) Appx. III – Para. (D) (2)
225. (d) Appx. III – Para. (D) (2)
226. (b) Appx. III – Para. (E) (1)
227. (c) Appx. III – Para. (E) (2)
228. (d) Appx. III – Para. (E) (3)
229. (b) Appx. III – Para. (E) (4)
230. (c) Appx. III – Para. (E) (5)
231. (b) Appx. III – Para. (E) (6)
232. (d) Rule 12 (2)
233. (a) Appx. III – Para. (E) (6)
234. (d) Appx. III – Para. (E) (7)
235. (b) Appx. III – Para. (E) (7)
236. (c) Appx. III – Para. (E) (8)
237. (d) Appx. III – Para. (E) (8) (c) and (d)
238. (c) Appx. III – Para. (E) (10)
239. (c) Appx. III – Para. (E) (12)
240. (b) Rule 20 (1) (b) (i)
241. (d) Rule 20 (1) (b) (ii)
242. (b) Note below Rule 22
243. (d) Rule 43-C (3) (iii)
244. (c) Rule 23
245. (d) Rule 25, GID (1)
246. (d) Rule 25, GID (5)
247. (c) Rule 26 (a) (1)
248. (c) Proviso to Rule 26 and GID (2)
249. (d) Rule 26 (2)
250. (c) Rule 26 (3)
251. (c) Rule 27 (1)
252. (c) Rule 27 (2) (b)
253. (a) Rule 39 (6) (a) (ii)
254. (d) Rule 27 (2) (b)
255. (b) Rule 27 (c)
256. (a) Rule 27 (3)
257. (c) Rule 28 (1) (a)
258. (c) Rule 28, GID (6)
259. (c) Rule 29 (2) (a)
260. (b) Rule 29 (2) (ca)
261. (c) Rule 29 (2) (d)
262. (a) Rule 30 (1-A)
263. (a) Note below Rule 30
264. (b) Proviso 1 of Rule 31
265. (c) Rule 32 (2) (e)
266. (c) Rule 32 (4)
267. (d) Rule 32, GID (2)
268. (c) Note below Rule 39
269. (a) Rule 39-D, GID (11)
270. (d) Rule 38-A (3) and GIDs (9) and (10) below Rule 39-D
271. (c) Rule 39-D
272. (b) Rule 40 (5)
273. (d) Rule 40, GID (2)
274. (c) Rule 42
275. (c) Rule 33 (3).
276. (c) Rule 43
277. (c) Rule 43, GID (4)
278. (c) Rule 43 (5)
279. (a) Rule 43-A (1)
280. (d) Proviso to Rule 43 (3) (b)
281. (b) Rule 43-C (3) (i)
282. (a) Rule 39 (2) (b) (i)
283. (c) Rule 44
284. (d) Rule 2
285. (b) GID (1) below Rule 2
286. (c) GID (3) below Rule 2
287. (d) Rule 43 (3)
288. (b) Rule 7 (2)
289. (d) GID (2) below Rule 7
290. (c) Rule 9 (2)
291. (c) Rule 10
292. (d) Rule 30 (1-A)
293. (d) Note below Rule 10
294. (a) Rule 12 (2)
295. (d) Rule 13
296. (c) Rule 14
297. (c) Note below Rule 15
298. (b) Rule 16 (2) (a)
299. (d) Rule 17
300. (a) Rule 17, GID (1)
301. (a) Rule 19 (3)
302. (c)
303. (c) Rule 19, GID (4)
304. (c) Rule 26
305. (b) Rule 43-B (3) (b)
306. (b) Rule 27(3)
307. (b) Appendix III
308. (a) Rule 43-C, GID (3)
309. (b) Rule 25 and GIDs
310. (b) Rule 26 (2) (i)
311. (c) Rule 38-A
312. (d) Rule 48
313. (b) Rule 48
314. (b) Appendix III
315. (d) Rule 46 (4)
316. (b) Rule 25 and GIDs
317. (c) Rule 40 (3)
318. (d) Rule 43-B (1)
319. (c) Rule 24 (1) and 24 (2)
320. (a) Rule 25
321. (b) Rule 28, GID (7)
322. (b) Rule 63 (1) Q. No. Ans. Reference Q. No. Ans. Reference
323. (b) Rule 31 (2) (a)
324. (c) Rule 2
325. (a) Rule 10
326. (a) Rules 43, 43-B, 45, 32
327. (d) Rule 11, GID (2)
328. (d) Rule 40
329. (a) Rule 32 (2)
330. (a) Rule 31 (1-A)
331. (a) Rule 56 (1)
332. (c) Rule 38-A
333. (d) Rule 43-C (2) (b)
334. (b) Para. 9.2.10 of VII CPC Report
335. (b) Rule 43 (C) and Para. 9.2.10 of VII CPC Report
336. (c) Para. 9.2.9 of VII CPC Report
337. (d) Para. 9.2.37 of VII CPC Report
338. (c) Para. 9.2.16 of VII CPC Report
339. (d) Para. 9.2.16 of VII CPC Report
340. (d) Rule 28
341. (d) Rule 32
342. (c) Rule 32
343. (b) Audit Instruction below Rule 28
344. (b) Rule 39 (6) (ii), read with GID (5-B) below Rule 39-D.
345. (b) GID below Rule 5 of CCS (Pension) Rules.
346. (a) Rule 7, GID (2)
347. (b) Appendix III, GID (13)
348. (d) AG’s decision below Rule 29
349. (a) Rule 17, GID (4)
350. (b) Rule 17, GID (4)
351. (c) Rules 43, 46 and 48
352. (d) Rule 25
353. (d) Rule 43-C
354. (d) Rules 43 and 50
355. (c) Rule 57
356. (a) Rule 50 (5) (iii)
357. (d) GID below Rule 53
358. (c) Exception to GID,. Appx. III
359. (c) Appx. II, Para. 2
360. (d) Rule 14
361. (a) Rule 40 (7) (c)
362. (a) Para. 9.2.37 of VII CPC Report
363. (b) Rule 11
364. (d) Appx. III
365. (b) Rule 29 (1)