Which employees are eligible for OSA?

Many people still don’t know which government employees are eligible to claim OSA.

Do you know which employees are eligible for OSA? Who gets Out Station Allowance?

If your answer is no then this post is for you. Here you will get rules and regulations for eligibility of OSA paid to government employees.

Which employees are eligible for OSA

The allowance shall be payable to running staff deputed to work stations outside on a temporary basis, their headquarters either on running or stationary duties.

The OSA is paid to the below-listed government employees.

  • Government employees working in Indian Railway Department.
  • Government employees of the Department of Posts who are working in RMS sections.

Outstation Allowance rate for RMS staff

Actually, the Outstation allowance payable to RMS staff was discontinued form 01.07.2017 vide Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance OM no. 29/1/2017-E.11 (B) dated 11.07.2017 which was circulated vide Directorate letter no. 7-2/2016-PCC dated 14.07.2017.

After that, a detailed proposal was sent to the Ministry of Finance. The MoF was approved to continue OSA to RMS staff with revised rates.
Railway Mail Service Staff who works in RMS sections get OSA every month. The revised rate of Outstation Allowance to RMS staff is as under-
  • Rs. 71/- for LSG SA
  • Rs. 67/- for Sorting Assistant
  • Rs. 67/- for Head Mail Guard
  • Rs. 62/- for Mail Guard
  • Rs. 62/- for MTS
The above revised OSA rate to RMS staff would be payable with effect 01.07.2017 as per Postal Directorate memo no. 7-2/2016-PCC dated 05.02.2020.

You can find below the PDF file of this order.

Before it, the OSA rate was decided in Postal Directorate letter no. 28-2/2010-D dated 19.07.2011. You can find below the image of this order for your ready reference.

OSA rate for RMS Staff

Outstation allowance to Railway Employees

01. Outstation (Detention) 

(i) When running staff are detained at outstations for more than 16 hours from the time they sign off duty, they shall be credited with 70 km. for every 24 hours or part thereof after the expiry of 16 hours from the time of “signing off.”

(ii) At an outstation where running rooms are not provided, running staff shall be entitled, in addition, to Allowance in lieu of Running Room facilities at the rates specified in Rule 9(i).

02. Outstation (Relieving) Allowance

(i) This allowance shall be payable to running staff deputed to work temporarily stations outside their headquarters either on running or stationary duties. Payments will be made as the rates specified in Rule 11 for Outstation (detention Allowance for each day reckoned from the date of arrival at the outstation.

(ii) The allowance shall be regulated in the following manner-

(a)  when the running staff are sent to an outstation to officiate in higher posts, allowance shall be paid for a period of 14 days only.

(b)   when running staff are sent to an outstation in the same capacity, the allowance shall be paid for a maximum period of 2 months.

(c) the period of journey to and from the relieving station shall be treated as duty, either Spare or running, and the allowance paid accordingly.

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