SSP term is related to post offices. Do you know SSP full form in post office?
If you don’t know the full form of SSP in the post office then this post is for you. Here I wrote basic information about SSP, its duties, and its powers in detail.
SSP full form in Post Office
The full form of SSP is Senior Superintendent of Post Offices. It is a type of post in the Department of Posts.
A total of 23 postal circles are working in India under the Department of Post. Each circle has many postal divisions. Every postal division has a single SSP. He is the controlling officer of the division.
The Senior Superintendent of Post Offices (SSP) is the Chief Officer in charge of a Postal Division. He is immediately subordinate to the Head of the Circle/Region (CPMG/PMG).
If you want to know more about the Department of Post overview then check here India Post Organization from here.
Duties of SSP (Senior Superintendent of Post Offices)
The duties of an SSP are listed below.
- He is the Controlling Authority for PA/SA, MTS, Postman, Mail Guard, and GDS officials posted in the division.
- He is the Appointing Authority for PA/SA, MTS, Postman, Mail Guard, and GDS officials in the Division.
- He is the reviewing Authority for Postal Assistants.
- He has to maintain the budget for the Division
- He has to monitor expenditures for achieving economy in administrations.
- He has to Exercise full delegated financial powers in respect of operational matters and technical Functions.
- He has to manage customer services through the network of post offices.
- He is responsible for the collection/transmission and delivery of mail within the division.
- Management of postal estates within the division.
- Planning and execution of modernization programs in the post offices/RMS offices.
- Monitoring of redress of public grievances.
- Development of management information system for effective management.
- Coordination with the State Government Authorities and other Central Government Organizations within the division.
- Overseeing the work of Dak Adalats.
- Settlement of public grievances.
Powers of SSP in the Postal Department
- Powers to grant leave to Selection Grade Officials and officials of the Inspectors of Post Office Grade.
- Powers to fill officiating vacancies in the selection grades and the grade of Inspectors of Post Offices, Asstt. Supdt. Post Offices.
- Powers to transfer any official below the lower selection grade from one office to another in the division in the same time scale of pay.
- Powers to transfer by way of exchange of officials on the same time scale of pay below the Lower Selection Grade from one division to another within the Circle provided that (1) the Postmaster General has not specially ordered one or the other of the officials to work in the division or place from which the transfer is sought and (2) the consent of the other Superintendent concerned is obtained.
- Power to accept the resignation of an official.
- Power to sanction ordinary pensions, (including gratuities) and to decide questions allied to the grant thereof Power to fix scale of fees to be charged by professional letter-writers and to lease outright to use post office premises for the purpose of carrying on the business of professional letter writing
- Power to inspect books and accounts of the sub-account department of first-class head offices.
- Power to verify balances of first-class head offices.
- Power to take possession of records of post offices.
- Power to grant casual leave.
- Power to execute and sign contracts on behalf of the Department.
- Power to condone excesses over the standard scale of accommodation occupied as residences by the staff of the Posts and Telegraphs Department.
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