SB Order 12/2022 has been released by the postal department on 08.07.2022. All post offices have to follow SB order no. 12/2022 from its release date. Today I am going to share SB order number 12/2022 in a detailed manner. Just read this post to get Sb order 12 for the year 2022.

What is SB Order 12/2022
All Head of Circles/Regions
Subject: Amendment to procedural rule in POSB (CBS) Manual / POSB Manual Volume – Regarding.
Reference: SB Order No. 21/2020 dated 21.06.2020.
North East Circle and Karnataka Circle have requested clarification on areas of Non-Delivery Branch Post Offices to be covered for consideration of allowing incentive/commission to Branch Postmasters for the opening of Time Deposit accounts in reference to SB Order No. 21/2020 dated 21.06.2020.
The matter has been examined and accordingly Note 4 under para (A) (1) of Appendix X in POSB (CBS) Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021) and Note 4 under para (1) of Appendix XII in POSB Manual Volume-I is amended as below.
The incentive will be payable to GDS BPMs irrespective of the location of Branch Post Offices i.e. whether in a rural area or in an urban area subject to the following conditions.
Status of Branch post Office – Condition
➤ SB Order 13/2022
This may be circulated to all the Offices for information and necessary actions.
This is issued with the approval of the competent authority.