Hello friends, recently the postal department issued an order regarding the revision of Pattern and Syllabus of examinations by the Department of Posts for appointment to the post of MTS, Postman, and Mail Guard. As per the above orders, a new syllabus for the MTS exam, Postman Mailguard exam has been issued. All upcoming departmental exams conducted by the India Post will follow a new pattern and syllabus for appointment to the MTS, Postman, and Mail Guard. Today I am going to share a new exam pattern and new syllabus for MTS exam, Postman exam, and Mail Guard exam in the department of posts.
Before 2024, there are two separate examinations conducted by the Department. The first is GDS to MTS exam and the second is the GDS, MTS to Postman, and Mailguard exam. Now, the Competent Authority has approved that henceforth there will be a single common examination for selection of MTS for appointment as Postman / Mail Guard and GDS for appointment as MTS / Postman / Mail Guard. The pattern and syllabus of this common exam have been released by the Directorate which is mentioned below for quick reference.

Circle shall ensure that the process for appointment of candidates selected to the posts of Postman/Mail Guard through the common examination is completed before any candidate selected for the post of MTS is appointed. Revised Pattern and Syllabus mentioned herein shall come into force from the date of issue of this communication and shall be applicable to all examinations to be held thereafter.
LDCE MTS exam, Postman Mail Guard exam 2024 syllabus
The Syllabus of the examination includes a component to test the knowledge of computers and the local language. The local language of a Postal Circle/Division for this purpose has been communicated vide aforesaid letter of even number dated 10.05.2019, Annexure E ibid, and further modified by letters dated 28.06.2019 and 30.06,2020. A consolidated/updated list of local languages of Postal Circle/Division is enclosed as Annexure-II
Paper-I- Basic Postal Knowledge and General Awareness
Duration- 60 Minutes
(For appointment to the posts of MTS/Postman/Mail Guard)
Post Office Guide Part I
- Organization of the Department
- Type of Post Offices
- Business Hours
- Payment of postage, stamps, and stationery
- General rules as to packing, sealing, and posting manner of affixing postage stamps
- Methods of address
- Postboxes and Post bags
- Duties of Letter Box peon
- Official postal articles
- Prohibited postal articles
- Products and Services: Mails, Banking &
- Remittances, Insurance, Stamps, and Business
- (Reference: India Post website)
Postal Manual Volume V
- Definitions
Part B
General Awareness/Knowledge
Topics to be covered (1 to 3 questions from each topic):
- Indian Geography
- Civics
- General knowledge
- Indian culture & freedom struggle
- Ethics and morale study
Basic Arithmetic
Topics to be covered (l to 2 questions from each topic):
- BODMAS (brackets, orders, division, multiplication, addition, subtraction)
- Percentage
- Profit and loss
- Simple interest
- Average
- Time and work
- Time and distance
- Unitary method
Paper-II- Knowledge of Postal Operations
Duration- 30 Minutes
(For appointment to the posts of Postman/Mail Guard only)
Post Office Guide Part I
- Delivery of Mails
- Refusal of article
- Payment of e-Money Order
- Redirection
- Instruction regarding address change
- Article addressed to a deceased person
- Liability to detention to certain mails
- Facilities are provided by Postman in rural areas.
Postal Manual Volume VI Part III
- Head Postman
- Knowledge of Postal Business
- Supply of forms to be carried out
- Sale of Stamps
- Postman’s Book
- Address to be noted on Postal Articles
- Damaged article to be noticed
- Receipt for articles issued for delivery
- Book of receipt for intimations and notices delivery.
- Instruction for delivery
- Realization of postage before delivery.
- Receipts of addresses for registered
- Delivery to illiterate addressees, Pardanashin women
- Delivery of insured articles addressed to minors
- Payment of e-Money Orders
- e-Money Orders addressed to minors
- Payment of eMO and delivery of registered letters to lunatics.
- Duties of village Postman
Postal Manual Volume VII
- Stamps and Seals
- Portfolio and its contents
- Stationary
- Preparation of daily report
- Mail Abstract
- Exchange of Mails
- Cage TB
- Disposal of Mails addressed to a section or a mail office
- Closing of transit bag
- Duties and responsibilities of Mail Guard/Agent
- Final duties before quitting Van or office
- ‘A’ order and ‘B’ Order
- Head Postman
- Knowledge of Postal Business
- Supply of forms to be carried out
- Sale of Stamps
Paper-III- Knowledge of the local language
Duration- 60 Minutes
(For appointment to the posts of MTS/Postman/Mail Guard)
(For All Circles excluding the Postal / RMS Divisions covering Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and Meghalaya of North-East Circle)
- Translation of words from English to local language
- Translation of words from local language to English
- Letter writing in local language in 40 to 50 words
- Paragraph / short essay in local language of 40 to 50 words
Paper-III- Knowledge of local language
Duration- 60 Minutes
(For appointment to the posts of MTS/Postman/Mail Guard)
(For Postal / RMS Divisions covering Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, and Meghalaya of North-East Circle)
- Comprehension passage in English with Multiple
- Letter writing in English
- Paragraph/short essay in local language
Paper-IV- Data Entry Skill Test
Duration- 15 Minutes
(For appointment to the posts of Postman/Mail Guard only)
- Skill test of data entry for 15 minutes on the computer.
Criteria for Selection:
Paper-I, Paper-II, and Paper-III will be held in one sitting of 2 and 1/2 hours (150 Minutes) duration. Paper-IV [Data Entry Skill Test (DEST)] will be held separately at a later date. The selection of candidates will be based on their performance in Paper-I and Paper-II provided a candidate has qualified in both Paper-III and Paper-IV (wherever applicable). Paper-III (Knowledge of Local Language) and Paper-IV (DEST) will be ‘qualifying’ in nature.
While performance in Paper-l only will be considered for selection to the post of MTS, performance in both Paper-I and Paper-II (combined, i.e. total of marks secured in Paper-I and Paper-II) will be considered for selection to the posts of Postman / Mail Guard.
All those candidates who secure minimum qualifying marks in both Paper-l and Paper-III separately will be eligible for being considered in the merit list for selection as MTS. However, the merit list will be prepared only on the basis of marks secured in Paper-L After arranging the candidates in order of merit, the number of candidates to be declared successful shall be equal to the number of vacancies in each category.
All those candidates who secure minimum qualifying marks in Paper-I and Paper-II (combined, i.e. total of marks secured in Paper-l and Paper-ll) and also secure minimum qualifying marks in Paper-III separately, will be eligible for appearing in Paper-IV (DEST). The number of candidates to be shortlisted for DEST will be 5 times of the total vacancy of Postman and Mail Guard.
All those candidates who secure minimum qualifying standards in DEST will be eligible for being considered in the merit list for selection as Postman / Mail Guard. However, the merit list will be prepared only on the basis of total marks secured in Paper-I and Paper-II. After arranging the candidates in order of merit, the number of candidates to be declared successful shall be equal to the number of vacancies in each category.
In the event of any vacancy notified for recruitment remaining unfilled only due to the non-joining of the selected candidate, the next candidate in the merit list in the same category shall be considered for appointment. However, the appointment of such a candidate shall be only on the ground of refusal of promotion/declining offer of appointment, and no waitlist or approved panel shall be maintained.
DOP order regarding New syllabus and pattern for MTS, Postman and Mailguard Depadrtmenal exam
F.No. 17-08/2018-SPN-I
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi- 110 001
Dated 05th April 2022
1. All Chief Postmasters General/Postmasters General
2. Chief General Manager, BD Directorate/Parcel Directorate/PLI Directorate
3. Director, RAKNPA /GM, CEPT/Directors of all PTCs
4. Addl. Director-General, Army Postal Service, New Delhi
Subject: Revision of Pattern and Syllabus of examinations conducted by Department of Posts for appointment to the posts of MTS, Postman, and Mail Guard.
Madam / Sir,
I am directed to refer to the Directorate’s letter No. 17-08/2018-SPB-I dated 10.05.2019, as amended from time to time, communicating therewith Pattern and Syllabus of examinations conducted by the Department of Posts for recruitment to the posts of Multi Tasking Staff (MTS), Postman, Mail Guard, Postal Assistant, and Sorting Assistant.
The competent Authority has approved that henceforth there will be a single common
examination for selection of MTS for appointment as Postman / Mail Guard and GDS for appointment as MTS / Postman / Mail Guard. Revised Pattern and Syllabus of the common Examination is given in Annexure-I. The examination will be held without the aid of books.
The Syllabus of the examination includes a component to test the knowledge of computers and local languages. The local language of a Postal Circle / Division for this purpose has been communicated vide aforesaid letter of even number dated 10.05.2019, Annexure E ibid, and further modified by letters dated 28.06.2019 and 30.06,2020. A consolidated/updated list of local languages of Postal Circle/Division is enclosed as Annexure-II.
Circle shall ensure that the process for appointment of candidates selected to the posts of Postman / Mail Guard through the common examination is completed before any candidate selected for the post of MTS is appointed.
Revised Pattern and Syllabus mentioned herein shall come into force from the date of issue of this communication and shall be applicable to all examinations to be held thereafter.
This may be given wide circulation for information of all stakeholders.
Yours faithfully,
(Satya Narayana Dash)
Director (SPN)
Tags: MTS exam syllabus, Postman exam syllabus, Mail Guard Syllabus, MTS postman Mail Guard exam syllabus, MTS postman Mail Guard exam syllabus 2024, new MTS postman Mail Guard exam syllabus, latest MTS postman Mail Guard exam syllabus