What is post office sb 103 form
It is a form to deposit the amount in all types of post office savings schemes. It is also known as a deposit slip.
If you want to deposit money in cash in any of the schemes, you have to submit the post office sb-103 form along with money. Without submission of this form, you can not deposit the amount in cash at any post office across India.
It is available in English as well as Hindi on both sides.
Sample image of the post office deposit sb form 103
Here I am sharing a sample image of the post office deposit slip form for your knowledge.
Download link of post office sb-103 form
What is the use of post office sb-103 form
Mostly it is used to deposit cash in any of the postal schemes like SB/PPF/SSA/RD/TD/MIS /SCSS etc. You have to fill it and submit at the SB counter of the post office along with cash.
Read Also: Revised post office sb-103 form and sb-7 form with Aadhar seeding facility
The counter clerk gives a receipt back to you which is a small part of this form to back to. It is a confirmation slip which is used as a proof of cash deposit.