Hey friends, do you know about the PLI bonus rate 2021-22 and RPLI bonus rate 2021-22. So that, here I am going to share full information about the latest Postal Life Insurance bonus rate.

PLI Bonus rate 2021-22 in detail
Recently a Gazette notification issued for PLI bonus rates for the year 2021-22 which is applicable from 01.04.2021. The bonus rates of PLI (Postal Life Insurance) for the year 2021-22 are as under:-
Type of Insurance Policy Rate of Bonus
01. Whole Life Assurance (WLA) – Rs. 76/- per thousand of sum assured
02. Endowment Assurance (EA) (including Joint life & children policies) – Rs. 52/- per thousand of sum assured
03. Anticipated Endowment Assurance (AEA) – Rs. 48/- per thousand of sum assured
04. Convertible Whole Life Policies (CWA) – Whole Life bonus rate would be applicable, but on conversion, Endowment Assurance bonus rate will be applicable.
05. Terminal Bonus – Rs. 20/- per sum assured of Rs. 10,000/- subject to a maximum of Rs. 1000 for Whole life assurance and Endowment assurance policies with a term of 20 years or more.
PLI Bonus rates 2021-22 PDF download
I have already shared a list of bonus rates for various PLI policies. You can download the PDF file of the above orders from the below link.
Click here to download the PLI bonus rate 2021-22 PDF file
Note:-The rates of Bonus for the Financial Year 2021-22 will be applicable from 01.04.2021.
RPLI Bonus rate 2021-22 in detail
RPLI bonus rate has also been released in the same way as the PLI bonus rate has been issued. Rural Postal Insurance bonus rate for the year 2021-22 is as under for ready reference.
Type of Insurance Policy Rate of Bonus
01. Whole Life Assurance (WLA) – Rs. 60/- per thousand of sum assured
02. Endowment Assurance (EA) (including children policy) – Rs. 48/- per thousand of sum assured
03. Anticipated Endowment Assurance (AEA) (including GP policies) – Rs. 45/- per thousand of sum assured
04. Convertible Whole Life Assurance – Whole Life Bonus rate would be applicable, but on conversion, Endowment Assurance bonus rate will be applicable.
05. Terminal Bonus – Rs. 20/- per sum assured of Rs. 10,000/-, subject to a maximum of Rs.1000 for Whole Life Assurance and Endowment Assurance policies with a term of 20 years or more.
RPLI Bonus rate 2021-22 PDF download
I have already shared a list of bonus rates for various RPLI policies. You can download the PDF file of the above orders from the below link.
Click here to download the RPLI bonus rate 2021-22 PDF file