Hey friends, today I am sharing a list of indian postal rates of various mail products in India. These tarif rates are very important for upcoming LDCE examinations of the Department of Posts.
Mail based products and services alongwith their tarif- Indian Postal rates
These are as under:-
01. Post Card
👉Single- Rs. 0.5/-
👉Reply- Rs. 1/-
👉Printed Post card- Rs. 6/-
👉Meghdoot Post card- Rs. 0.25/-
02. Letter card
👉Weight 5 grams. no enclosures allowed- Rs. 2.5/-
03. Letter (Maximum 2 kg)
👉For every 20 grams or part thereof- Rs. 5/-
Embossed envelope- Rs. 5/-
04. Book Packet
👉For the first 50 grams- Rs. 4/-
👉For additional 50 Grams or part thereof, excess of 50 grams- Rs. 3/-
05. Sample and pattern packets (Maximum weight 2 kg)
👉For the first 50 grams- Rs. 4/-
👉For additional 50 Grams or part thereof, excess of 50 grams- Rs. 3/-
06. Book packet containing printed books should not contain advertisement, should not be a periodical
👉For every 100 grams or part thereof, maximum weight 5 kg- Rs. 1/-
07. Book packet containing periodical (Maximum 5 kgs)
👉Value of the periodical upto Rs. 20/-
For the first 100 grams- Rs. 2/-
For additional 100 grams or part thereof, excess of 100 grams- Rs. 3/-
👉Value of periodical above Rs. 20/- and upto Rs. 50/-
For the first 100 grams- Rs. 4/-
For additional 100 grams or part thereof, excess of 100 grams- Rs. 5/-
👉Value of periodical above Rs. 50/-
For the first 100 grams- Rs. 8/-
For additional 100 grams or part thereof, excess of 100 grams- Rs. 9/-
8. Registered Newspapers
👉Single copy
Weight upto 50 grams- Rs. 0.25/-
Weight above 50 grams but not exceeding 100 grams- Rs. 0.5/-
For additional 100 grams or part thereof in excess of 100 grams- Rs. 0.2/-
👉More than one copy of same issue
Weight upto 100 grams- Rs. 0.5/-
For additional 100 grams or part thereof, excess of 100 grams- Rs. 0.2/-
9. Blind Literature Packet (Maximum weight 7 kg)
👉Postage, registration and acknowledgement charge are free- FREE
10. Parcel
👉Upto 500 grams- Rs. 19/-
👉Additional 500 grams or part thereof- Rs. 16/-
👉Home delivery charges for article weighing more than 5 kgs. 10 kgs if booked or deliverable at BO. 20 kgs in other cases- Rs. 5/-
Parcel should be presented at the counter. Should be registered, if the weight is more than 4 kgs. Redirection fee for parcel- 50% of ordinary Postage.
11. Late fee for posting
👉Unregistered article- Rs. 2/-
👉Registered article- Rs. 3/-
Maximum weight of various Mail Products
1. Letter- 2 Kg
2. Book Packet- 5 Kg
3. Book packet containing pattern and sample packet- 2 Kg
4. Book packet containing printed books- 5 Kg
5. Book packet containing periodicals- 5 Kg
6. Unregistered Parcel- 4 Kg
7. Registered Parcel- 20 Kg
8. Blind Literature- 7 Kg
9. Speed Post- 35 Kg