According to India Post, Mail Overseer is selected from the postman cadre through a selection procedure.
A postman who has completed 03 years of service in the postman cadre is eligible to become a Mail Overseer in post office.
Make sure he has completed his probation period and has done mandatory training.
Let’s know the selection procedure for mail overseer in detail.

Mail Overseer Selection Procedure
Every financial year, the divisional head seeks the willingness of eligible postmen to become Mail Overseer.
He also constitutes a panel of three officers for selection of Mail Overseer from the eligible postman.
This approved panel shall be valid for the next three years.
Mail Overseer is selected based on seniority and eligibility from the applications received by the panel.
The Divisional head can also relax eligibility conditions from three years to two years if a sufficient number of eligible officials is not available. But he has to send this proposal to the circle office for approval.
Mail Overseer Tenure Period
Generally, the tenure of a Mail Overseer is three years from the date of his joining.
If the same postman again wants to become a mail overseer a year gap is mandatory between two tenures.
Mail Overseer Training
According to Q-25/14/2023-PE-I-DOP (pt) dated 12.10.2023, Mail Overseers have to complete the below-listed Training courses on i-GOT Karmayogi Portal or Dak Karmayogi Portal within a month of their joining.
- Finacle Workflow Course (Total Eight)
- DARPAN mobile android device course
- SAP IPVS and DPMS Course.
- Bima Deep Course.
- McCamish workflow course.
Mail Overseer Duties (Work)
A Mail Oeverseer works under the sub-divisional head. He has to do the following work during his duty hours-
- He has to give company to the sub-divisional head during the visit.
- He has to carry out mandatory visits to the branch post office.
- He has to perform a second inspection of the branch office as per the order of sub-divisional head.
- He has to perform mandatory checks to prevent fraud in BO.
- He has to assist sub-divisional head in investigating fraud.
- He has to check the punctual clearance of letter boxes by GDS of the BO.
- He has to know working hours, mail receipt and dispatch timing, and letter box clearing timing of each BO under his jurisdiction.
- He has to verify deposit articles and their reason for non-delivery.
- He has to have a copy of beat list, route map, village sorting list, and letter box statement.
- He should know the standard delivery norms and remarks.
- He has to verify accountable articles in postman or GDS’s bag.
- He is responsible for resolving any challenges that may faced by the BPM or ABPM.
- He has to submit his report in mail overseer visit report proforma after the completion of a branch office visit.
- Every overseer must keep a diary in Form (Genl. 4).
- Details to be entered daily:
- Particulars of the traveling done.
- Names of stages visited.
- Arrangements for conveyance of extra despatches or cash remittances.
- Substitutes appointed for absent runners.
- Irregularities and offenses by the road establishment.
- Leave applications from runners.
- Other matters requiring orders or to be brought to the notice of the Superintendent or Inspector.
- Signatures of the postmasters of visited offices should be taken.
- The overseer should examine:
- Condition and seals of the bags carried by runners.
- Books and articles in the custody of postmen or village postmen met during the travel.
- A certain percentage (fixed by the Head of Circle) of money orders paid by postmen and village postmen (at least 50 per month).
- Verification process:
- Details of the money order and verification result to be noted in the diary.
- The results should be included in the Monthly List of Money Orders Verified (Form Genl. 6) submitted with the monthly summary (Genl. 12).
- The overseer should also:
- Obtain receipts from money order remitters.
- Ensure the date and other details on receipts match the counterfoil in the receipt book.
- Record the results and receipt numbers verified in the diary.
- Inquire from village residents if they receive their letters and money orders punctually.
- Report complaints regarding letter delivery, letter-box clearance, or money order payments in the diary.
- Verify balances in cash and stamps at branch offices within the beat.
- If required, check the balances in cash and stamps of small sub-offices.
- Report results in the diary.
- Check used and unused branch office receipts:
- Ensure receipts are in consecutive series up to 100 and issued in chronological order.
- Compare dates and details of branch office counterfoils with account office receipts.
- Investigate any discrepancies or delays and report to the sub-divisional Inspector.
- Check used and unused receipts in the current book of Savings Bank Preliminary receipts.
- Ensure they are in consecutive order and chronologically issued.
- Verify amounts issued since the last visit are correctly accounted for in the branch office account.
- Confirm passbooks for new accounts were received and delivered to depositors in a timely manner.
- Ensure the depositor’s copy of the Savings Bank Preliminary receipt is pasted on the office copy of the receipt.
- The results of checks are to be noted in both the diary and branch office order book.
- Checks carried out as per Rule 168A should be noted in the diary.
- Overseers should inquire into minor complaints, including cases of loss, if capable.
- Entries in the diary should be made in duplicate.
- On the 1st, 8th, 16th, and 24th of each month, the upper leaf of the diary for the preceding week should be torn out and sent to the Inspector.
- A summary of work (Genl. 12) should be sent with the last week’s diary.
- The diary should generally be the only communication with the Inspector unless urgent reports are required.
- The overseer should record the hours of arrival and departure from visited post offices in the diary.
Mail Overseer Salary Per Month
A Mail Overseer receives approx 30000 to 35000 Rupees salary per month.
The detailed calculation is as under-
- Mail OPay Scale as per 6th CPC- 5200-20200 and Grade Pay 2000
- Pay Scale as per 7th CPC- 21700-69100
- Basic Pay- 21700- 69100
- DA @ 50% as of June 2024 (variable)
- HRA @ 10%
- TPA- 1800
- DA on TPA @ 50%
How to become Mail Overseer in Post Office?
A mail overseer is selected from the postman cadre based on eligibility and seniority by the selection panel.
What is the salary of mail overseer?
30000 to 35000 per month.
What is mail overseer in post office?
Mail overseer is a type of post in Department of Post.