The salary of Gramin Dak Sevak Branch Post Master (GDS BPM) depends upon his working hours.
Because the working hours of GDS BPM vary from 04 to 05 hours per day.
According to the above facts, the basic pay (TRCA) of GDS BPM for 04 hours is 10000/- rupees and for 05 hours is 12000/- rupees.
GDS BPM Salay After 3 Years
The Basic Pay will increase after three years of service of a GDS BPM from 12000 to 12740.
It means after 3 years a GDS BPM will get a monthly salary as per the below calculation-
Basic Pay after three years of service | 12740 |
DA @ 50% | 6340 |
SA | 25 |
Gross Salary | 19135 |
CGEGIS Deduction | 50 |
GDS BPM Cash in Hand Salary after three years | 19085 |
Gramin Dak Sevak Branch Post Master Salay After 5 Years
Basic Pay after five years of service | 13530 |
DA @ 50% | 6765 |
SA | 25 |
Gross Salary | 20320 |
CGEGIS Deduction | 50 |
GDS BPM Cash in Hand Salary after five years | 20270 |
Postal Assistant Salary Per Month in Hand
GDS BPM Salary Slip
How much salary does GDS BPM get after 3 years?
What is the salary of a GDS BPM after five years?
what is the salary of GDS in post office?
10000 for 4 hours and 12000 for five hours.