DARPAN full form in Post Office (Darpan 2.0)

Do you know what is Post Office Darpan Scheme? How Darpan scheme is beneficial for rural areas peoples? 
Do you want to know DARPAN full form in post office? If yes, then you are in right place. Today I am going to tell you about DARPAN Scheme for the Post Office. DARPAN’s full form is also discussed here.

Darpan Full form in post office

The full form of Darpan is Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India. 
Darpan post office scheme was launched on 21 December 2017 by the Ministry of Communications.
The main aim of the Darpan scheme is to improve the quality of post office services in rural areas across India. 
Now, all branch post offices are now working under the latest and modern technology. Rural people can also avail online transaction facilities similar to the urban post offices. 

Darpan – A New Post Office Scheme

We know that the Department of Posts (DoP) has been the backbone of the country’s communication and has played a crucial role in the country’s socio‐economic development for more than 150 years.
The DARPAN (Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for A New India) Project is a part of the larger IT modernization project being undertaken by the Department of Posts with a project outlay of Rs. 1400 Cr (approximately). 
The goal of the project is to provide a low-power technology solution (Information and Communications Technology Device) to each Branch Postmaster (BPM) which will enable each of approximately 1.29 Lakhs Branch Post Offices (BOs) to improve the level of services being offered to rural customers across all the states.
Logo of DARPAN post office Scheme
The primary business goal of the DARPAN project is to improve the quality of service, add value to services and achieve “financial inclusion” of the un‐banked rural population while taking advantage of this opportunity to increase revenue traffic. 
The Project has the potential to make a significant contribution to these goals. 
The project shall increase the rural reach of the Department of Posts and enable Branch Offices (rural Post Offices) BOs to increase the traffic of all financial remittances, savings accounts, Rural Postal Life Insurance, and Cash Certificates; improve mail operations processes by allowing for automated booking and delivery of accountable article; increase revenue using retail post business; provide third party applications; and make disbursements for social security schemes such as MGNREGS.
 As on 15.12.2017, 43171 Branch Post Offices (Rural Post Offices) have been migrated under the “DARPAN” project with the aim of financial inclusion of the Rural population of the country. It is targeted to complete the project by March’2018.

DARAPN Scheme Vision

The vision of the DARPAN Project is as under:
  • To increase the rural reach of the Department of Posts and enable EDOs to increase the traffic of all financial remittances, savings accounts, Rural Postal Life Insurance, and Cash Certificates.
  • Improve mail operations processes by allowing for automated booking and delivery of accountable articles, and increase revenue using retail post business.
  • Provide third-party applications a platform for rural reach.
  • Make disbursements for social security schemes such as MGNREGS etc.

List of services offered in DARPAN

Services offered are as under:
  • Core Banking Services (CBS)- DARPAN Project CBS Client application of rural BOs is the frontend solution of the Finacle rolled out in the Account offices for Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) operations of the DOP. As part of the DARPAN Project, the CBS client applications have been rolled out in BOs where ever Rural System Integration (RSI) solutions have gone live. The DARPAN Project CBS Client application version 1.3.1 is being implemented, which covers the following
  • Cash Deposits in SB and RD
  • Withdrawal from SB
  • New Account Opening for SB/RD/TD
  • Higher value Withdrawal
  • Mini Statement
  • Aadhar Seeding
  • Daily Transaction report
  • This application is used to disburse social security benefits to the needy across the country such as MGREGS, Old age Pension, DBT, etc.
  • Overall 35626 BOs are doing CBS transactions out of the 40455 BOs rolled out till 6-12-17. Other BO could not do CBS transactions due to various reasons including poor connectivity at the BO.
  • Electronic Money Order (eMO): money order delivery is made easy and quick and the volume is increasing on eMO through devices.
  • Speed Post, eMO, can be booked through DARPAN Device.
  • No rebooking is required at SO Level after BO Booking and an electronic receipt (can be handed over to the customer after booking at BO. The customer will be able to track directly on the Indiapost website with the said receipt number.
  • After the Delivery of VP articles, VPMO can be booked directly through the device.
  • Delivery or return status of articles and eMO to be updated through Device; no further up-dation is required at SO Level. i.e. status updated through Device is final and not changeable. So, at that point always keep vigil watch while updating the delivery or return status of any article or eMO.
  • Stamp Sales can be made through Device.
  • BPM will prepare Daily Account electronically and print out can be sent to SO.
  • BO will close BO Bag with Barcode like SO.
  • In this new system, BPM cannot detain excess cash beyond the Authorized Cash Balance Limi without showing liability. The system will through errors automatically during the closing of the BO Bag.
  • Employees can view/print their Pay Slip through the Device.
  • Employees can apply for Leave through Device under DARPAN.
  • Online Postal and Financial transactions
  • Online deposit and withdrawal of money on Core Banking System(CBS)
  • Disbursement of benefits under MGNREGS and other social sector payment schemes
  • Booking of Registered, Speed Post Articles, and Money Orders
  • Deposit of Postal Life Insurance(PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance(RPLI)

List office service will be offered in DARPAN in upcoming years.

  1. Mail Operations, speed post booking, and delivery, registered article booking.
  2. Aadhar enabled payment, Deposits, transfers, and bill payments.
  3. The DOP card-based Payment as Micro ATM, Deposits, transfers, and bill payments
  4. Postal Life Insurance – new policy and renewal
  5. Post Bank Application
  6. Point of Sale – Stamps and another postal article

Darpan Scheme explained in Video

FAQs on Darpan

Question 01- What is the full form of DARPAN?

Answer- The full form of DARPAN is “Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for a New India.”

Question 02- What is DARPAN Scheme?

Answer- The Rural Information Communication Technology (RICT) Project is a part of the larger IT modernization project, India Post 2012, being undertaken by the Department of Posts. The RICT Project is named DARPAN -Digital Advancement of Rural Post Office for a New India.

Question 03- What is the goal of the DARPAN Project?

Answer- The goal of the DARPAN Project is to provide a low-power technology solution (ICT Device) to each Branch Postmaster (BPM) which will enable each of approximately 1.29 lakh Extra Departmental Post Offices (EDOs) to improve the level of services being offered to rural customers.
The primary business goal of the DARPAN Project is to improve the quality of service, add value to services and achieve “financial inclusion” of the un-banked rural population while taking advantage of this opportunity to increase revenue traffic.

Question 04- How the citizens would be benefitted from this project?

Answer- Benefits to the citizen’s areas under- 
  • Provide banking solutions to the un-bank rural population
  • CBS solutions – deposit and withdraw from anywhere
  • Ease of deposit and withdrawal and real-time account update
  • Rural postal life insurance would be available to the citizens in the last mile of the country
  • Other postal services such as eMO just in hours (online Bos) in any part of the country
  • Disbursal of govt. schemes as MNREGS, Old age Pension
  • Any other government schemes in future
  • Speed post booking from their next door

Question 05- How can we align this project with the government mission of “Digital India”?

Answer- The vision of the Digital India program is to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy” DARPAN Project supports the vision by providing financial services and citizens’ benefit schemes such as the old age pension, MNREGS, etc. digitally to the citizens in the last mile of the country through the applications like CBS, Micro ATM, eMO and many more.
Visit inindiapost for the latest information related to Post office.

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