Hey friends, Do you know that what is rule 38 transfer postal department and what is rule 38 transfer rulings Postal Department? If don’t know then read this article to get full information about rule 38 transfer in Postal Department. Rule 38 transfer latest guidelines and orders are also available here in detail including transfer policy latest ruling dated 31.12.2021.
What is Rule 38 Transfer in Postal Department?
It is a general rule for government employees that allows employees to transfer from one division to another. It can be either between the divisions of the same circle or between divisions of another circle.
When these rules are implemented in the Department of Post then it called Rule 38 transfer in Postal Department.
What is the process for Rule 38 transfer?
If any postal employee wants to transfer himself from one division to another division then he should fill the rule 38 transfer form in three copies along with a simple application that is addressed to the Head of Circle.
You have to justify proper reason for rule 38 transfer.
Just send the above documents to your Divisional office through the proper channels. The divisional office will ask the respective division regarding the vacancy position in the same category. If there is a vacancy in the division, then your rule 38 transfer form will be forwarded to the Circle Office or Regional Office.
The head of the Circle will decide that you will be transferred or not. If all required eligibility fulfills then HOC considers the application of rule 38 transfer.
Rule 38 transfer form
Generally, it is a simple form that is used for rule 38 transfer. It is also called rule 38 transfer request letter or rule 38 transfer form.
Here I am going to the latest rule 38 transfer form Postal department PDF download. You can check it from the below link
Know rule 38 transfer rulings Postal Department
The Postal Directorate has already been issued a full guideline for rule 38 transfer in 2019. This guideline is applicable to regulate transfers of Group C officials, Group B official non gazetted, and assistant superintendent of Posts.
You can check rule 38 transfer rulings Postal Department in PDF from the below link.
➤ MTS rule 38 transfer RMS to Post office [latest orders check here]
Latest rule 38 transfer guideline April 2022 (06.04.2022)
No. X-12/6/2021-SPN-II (Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
Dated: April 06, 2022
All Chief Postmaster General.
Subject: Guidelines for transfer to regulate transfers of Group ‘C’ officials, Group ‘B’ (non-gazetted) officials, and Assistant Superintendent of Posts (Group ‘B’ Gazetted).
I am directed to refer to para (iv) of this office letter no. X-12/6/2021-SPN-II dated 17.11.2021 on the above-mentioned subject wherein it has been provided that Postal Assistants appointed in GPO or Independent Class – I Head Post Offices shall be transferred on rotational transfer in a phased manner with Postal Assistants of Postal Division where GPO/Class-I HO is geographically located. The transfer and placement committee for rotational transfer in such cases shall include the Head of both the units concerned.
The issue has further been examined and it has been decided that if any ‘Person with Disabilities’ employees borne on the strength of GPO has any issue is going to another office, the exemption may be granted in such cases.
(Satya Narayana bash)
Director (SPN)
➤ Click here to download a PDF file of the order issued on 06.04.2022
Latest rule 38 transfer guideline March 2022 (03.03.2022)
No. X-12/6/2021-SPN-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110 001
Dated: March 03, 2022
a) All Chief Postmaster General
b) Chief General Manager, PLI/Parcel/BD Directorate
c) Chief General Manager, CEPT/Director RAKNPA/Director of all PTCs
d) Addi. Director-General, Army Postal Service
e) All General Manager (Finance)/Director Postal Accounts/DDAP
Subject: Transfer Policy Guidelines dated 17.01.2019 – reg.
I am directed to refer to the Directorate’s letter of even number dated 31.12.2021 and to say that clarifications are being sought from some Postal Circle. Issues raised by the Postal Circles have been examined and is clarified as under:
Query (i)- Para 3(A)(X) of Transfer guidelines have been modified to bring down eligibility for transfer from two years to one year. However, para 3(A) (i) of Transfer guidelines have not been modified which provides that ‘As a general rule, an official shall not be transferred from one unit to another, either within the same Circle or to another Circle unless he has completed probation period satisfactorily.
Clarification- Service eligibility as provided under -Para 3(A) (X) of Transfer guidelines, for transfer under rule 38 has been reduced to one year. Hence, Para 3(A)(i) of the Transfer guidelines may be treated as modified in line with Para 3(A)(X).
Query (ii)- Whether the mode of recruitment and category be observed for Intra-Circle mutual transfer of PA/SA.
Clarification- Consequent upon the maintenance of reservation roster of PA/SA at Circle level, mode of recruitment/category to which an employee belongs need not be observed for Intra-Circle transfer of PA/SA either on a mutual basis or otherwise. In the case of Inter-Circle transfer of PA/SA, these will be observed without fail.
Further, in the case of other Divisional cadres viz.- Postman/Mail Guard/MTS/etc. mode of recruitment/category shall be observed for inter-circle as the intra-circle transfer.
Query (iii)- Circle is allowed to consider Intra-Circle temporary transfer after observing guidelines dated 17.01.2019. Now, as per revised guidelines, Circle has to consider Intra-Circle and Inter-Circle on monthly basis. This is creating confusion for preparing a priority list for temporary Intra-Circle transfer. Hence, temporary Intra-Circle transfer of PA/SA may be discontinued.
Clarification- Temporary transfer and Rule-38 transfer are two different aspects wherein Rule-38 addresses request for permanent transfer to a Unit/Circle, whereas an official seeks temporary transfer to mitigate short-term requirements for being at someplace. The priority list for Rule – 38 transfers has no relation to the requests of temporary transfer and such request for temporary transfer may be approved if a vacancy is available in the requested unit, at the time of consideration.
Query (iv)- Inward Inter-Circle/Intra-Circle waiting list of PA/SA were maintained Division-wise. Hence, the procedure for the merger of a waiting list of PA/SA and operation of additional options was maintained Division-wise before coming into force of present guidelines.
Clarification- Officials already on the waiting list shall retain their weightage. The merger of waiting/priority list shall be done as under, to prepare combined Inter-Circle/Intra-Circle priority list:
(a) Request received till 2018 shall be arranged with reference to the date of application in the relevant year.
(b) Request received from 2019 to 2021 shall be arranged with reference to the length of service, in
the relevant year.
Query (v)- As per calculation of vacancy, transfers under Rule-38 are to be considered against actual vacancy m preceding month. This will lead to exhaustion of all vacancies in Inward transfer Circles and no vacancy would be left for Compassionate appointment (5% of DR) and Sports quota (5% of DR).
Clarification- At the start of the recruitment year, i.e. in the month of January, all recruiting units shall assess vacancy for a particular recruitment year and distribute it amongst various modes of recruitment provided in the Recruitment Rules and within each mode amongst various categories as prescribed. This shall be termed as ‘Provisional Vacancy’. Thereafter, Circle shall earmark vacancy for Compassionate appointment and Sports quota recruitment, which will not be open for considering transfer under Rule-38.
As Provisional vacancies will undergo change due to the addition of unforeseen vacancies not assessed earlier, Circle should ensure that the vacancy proportionate to unforeseen vacancies arising during the recruitment year, are added to the vacancies earmarked earlier for Compassionate appointment and Sports quota recruitment with reference to Provisional vacancy.
As and when ‘Final vacancy’ is arrived at, proportionate vacancy for Compassionate appointment and Sports quota should also be finalized.
Yours faithfully,
(Satya Narayana Pash)
Director (SPN)
➤ Click here to download a PDF file of the order issued on 03.03.2022
latest news Rule 38 transfer guideline January 2022 (05.01.2022)
Rule 38 transfer latest news–
No. X-1216/2021-SPN-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi- 110001
Dated 05 January 2022
a) All Chief Postmaster General
b) Chief General Manager, PLI / parcel / BD Directorate
c) Chief General Manager, CEPT/Director RANKPA/Director of all PTCs
d) Addl. Director-General, Army Postal Service
e) All General Manager (Finance)/ Director Postal Accounts / DDAP
Subject: Transfer policy Guidelines dated 17.01.2019 – reg.
I am directed to refer to Directorate letter no. X-2/6/2021-SPN-II(2) dated 31.12.2021 on the above-mentioned subject and to say that point no. (xv) of Appendix to the aforesaid letter is substituted as under:-
(xv) Assessment of vacancy for considering Transfer Request:-
a) At the start of the recruitment year, i.e. in the Month of January, all recruiting units shall assess vacancies for a particular recruitment year (e.g. for the 2022 recruitment year, vacancies during the period 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022) and distribute it amongst various categories as prescribed. This shall be termed as a provisional Vacancy for a different mode of recruitment and category, which will be taken into consideration for transfer under rule-38.
b) While assessing the vacancy as at (a) above, ‘Final Vacancy’ of previous recruitment year for each mode of recruitments, where candidates are yet to be selected/appointed, shall be excluded. However, vacancy due to non-availability/non-joining of candidates, whether as a backlog of reserved vacancy or otherwise, and unforeseen vacancy of previous recruitment year not considered while arriving at ‘final vacancy’ of previous recruitment year, will be included.
c) As these vacancies are forecasted, these will actually arise around the year in different months. The ‘Provisional Vacancy’ will undergo a change in case there are unforeseen vacancies not considered earlier. Such unforeseen vacancies shall be added to the total provisional vacancy assessed earlier for distribution amongst various modes of recruitment as provided in the Recruitment Rules and within each mode amongst various categories as prescribed.
d) While issuing notification for examinations conducted by the Department, ‘Provisional Vacancy’, calculated as (a) (b) & (c) above, as on the date of issue of notification shall be notified. The notification shall clearly mention that vacancy notified is ‘Tentative subject to change. At the time of declaration of results, ‘Provisional Vacancy’ calculated as (a), (b) & (c) above, as on the date of publication of results shall be treated as ‘Final Vacancy’ for all modes of recruitment and list of successful candidates of the examination conducted by the Department shall be published accordingly.
e) If for any reason, notification for examination is not issued or results of the examination conducted are not published in the same recruitment year. the vacancy on the last day of the recruitment year shall be treated as the ‘Final Vacancy’ for all modes of recruitment for the recruitment year.
f) ‘Final Vacancy’ as per (d) or (e) above shall not undergo any further change for that recruitment year.
g) Based on the ‘Final vacancy’ as above, vacancy to be earmarked for compassionate appointment and Sports quota recruitment will be decided.
h) Inter-Circle/Intra-circle transfers under Rule 38 shall be considered on monthly basis, as provided in the preceding paragraph, on the basis of actual vacancy at the start of the month subject to the following conditions-
- In the case of MTS/Postman/Mail Guard, Transfer under Rule-38 (both Inter-circle & Intra-Circle) shall not be considered after issue of notification for examination to be conducted by the Department for vacancy of a particular recruitment year.
- ln case of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, Inter-Circle Transfer under Rule-38 shall not be considered after issue of notification for examination to be conducted by the Department for the vacancy of a particular recruitment year. However, Intra-Circle Transfer under Rule-38 will be allowed against the vacancy earmarked for filling up through examination conducted by Department even after issuing of notification as it will not after the total vacancy of the Circle.
- In the case of Inspector posts, lnter-Circle Transfer under Rule-38 shall not be considered after the issue of notification for examination to be conducted by the Department for the vacancy of a particular recruitment year.
- ln case of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant/Stenographer/Inspector Posts, Inter-Circle Transfer under rule-38 shall be allowed against the vacancy earmarked for Direct Recruitment through SSC, as it will not after the total vacancy at all India level.
- The final vacancy figure as on the last day of the recruitment year shall be reported to the Directorate by 15th January of next year, as a final vacancy position which will not undergo any further change.
- The aforesaid procedure shall be repeated for each recruitment year.
Letter no. X- 12/6/2021-SPN-II(2) dated 31.12.2021 is modified to the extent mentioned above.
Yours faithfully
(Muthuraman C)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
➤ Click here to download a PDF file of the order issued on 05.01.2022
Latest Rule 38 Transfer Guideline December 2021 (31.12.2021)
Friends, some amendment has also been issued regarding rule 38 transfer policy dated 17.01.2019 in December 2021. You can check it here in detail.
No. X- 12/6/2021-SPN-II(2)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi- 110001
December 31st, 2021
a) All Chief Postmaster General
b) Chief General Manager, PLI /Parcel/ BD Directorate
c) Chief General Manager, CEPT / Director RAKNPA / Director of all PTCs
d) Addl. Director-General, Army Postal Service
e) All General Manager (Finance) / Director Postal Accounts / DDAP
Subject: Transfer Policy Guidelines dated 17.01.2019
Madam / Sir,
I am directed to say that Para 3(C) of transfer policy guidelines, issued vide letter no. 141-141/2013-SPN-II dated 17.01.2019, as amended from time to time, prescribes procedure/timeline for considering transfer requests under Rule 38 of Postal Manual Volume IV.
2. This procedure/timeline has been reviewed and the revised procedure/timeline is enclosed in Appendix-I.
3. Above modifications may be brought to the notice of all concerned for timely implementation.
4. Director (SPN) will be the nodal officer for implementation of the revised system who can be contacted at Tel no. 011- 23096092 for any clarification. In Circles, the DPS(HQ) concerned will be the nodal officer.
Yours faithfully,
(Muthuraman C)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
APPENDIX-I: Procetlure for Submission/Consideration of Transfer under Rule 38 or otherwise
Para-3(C) of Transfer Policy Guidelines, circulated vide communication No. 141-141/2013-SPB-II dated 17.01.2019, as amended from time to time, shall be substituted by the following-
(i) An application for Inter-Circle/Intra-Circle transfer under Rule 38 in Form-I duly signed by the official shall be submitted to the Head of the Division/Unit, where the official is posted. An advance copy of the request shall not be sent to the Authority where the transfer is sought.
(ii) Application (PDF format) can be submitted through eMail also. All Divisions/Units shall give wide publicity of official email id of the Division/Unit where an official can send a request for transfer under Rule-38.
(iii) Submission of Application and Order of Priority:-
- An official, who fulfills the stipulated conditions as circulated from time to time, for transfer under Rule-38, may apply at any time as per his convenience in the manner provided above. The system of submitting applications during the specified window is dispensed with.
- The date and time of receipt of the completed application in the Division/Unit shall be the reference point for determining the order of priority of all such applications.
- In case of tie-in date and time of receipt of the application, date of joining in the present cadre shall be considered for deciding order of priority. If still there is a tie, date of birth shall be considered for deciding order of priority.
- Applications received during a month shall be arranged, cadre-wise, as per the date and time of receipt.
- However, applications received from (i) officials with benchmark disability, (ii) officials appointed under compassionate grounds, and (iii) official/dependant family members suffering from a terminal illness, in this order, shall be placed at the top of the list of the requests received during a month irrespective of the date on which such request was received. Among such applicants, the date and time of receipt of applications shall be the basis to decide the priority and in case of a tie, the procedure mentioned in (c) and (d) above will be followed.
- Applications received from officials who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria as on the date of application shall be rejected outright.
(iv) Divisional Cadre officials including Postal Assistant of Postal Division and Sorting Assistant of RMS Divisions may give a choice of a maximum of ten (10) Divisions/Units of one Circle in order of preference. In such cases, the transfer will be considered for any one of the indicated Divisions / Units in order of preference and if she/he is not accommodated in the requested Divisions/Units, she/he will be kept under the waiting list for consideration subsequently.
(v) In the case of Circle cadre officials like PA(CO/RO), PA(SBCO), Inspector Posts, ASP, etc., will indicate only the name of the Circle where the transfer is sought.
(vi) If an official, who is already on the waiting list based on a previous request, submits a fresh application/revised application, then she/he will forfeit her/his seniority based on previous requests, and such fresh/revised application shall be considered afresh.
(vii) Divisional Cadre official, whose transfer request is already on the waiting list at the time of coming into force of these revised guidelines, may submit revised request indicating a preference for 10 (ten) Divisions of the same Circle, within one (l) month from the date of coming into force of these revised guidelines, and in such case, the official shall retain his original priority. [Change of Circle shall be treated as a fresh request. Requests received after the stipulated time period shall be treated as fresh requests.]
(viii) Part-ll of Form-I shall be completed after verifying the service particulars of the official. Printout of the application in Form-1 received in Division / Unit through e-mail shall be taken, and Part-ll shall be completed.
(ix) Application(s) received during a month and found completed in all respects shall be forwarded to the Head of Circle latest by 5th day of the following month through email (in PDF Format). While forwarding the applications Division/Unit Head shall also forward the following statements:-
- List of officials seeking Intra-Circle Transfer.
- List of Officials seeking Inter-Circle Transfer – arranged Circle-wise.
- Vacancy Position in each grade [(i) Actual vacancy in case of PA/SA, (ii) Category-wise and recruitment mode-wise vacancy in other cases.]
(x) After receipt of a list of applications from all Divisions/Units, Circle shall arrange the applications as provided in Point (iii) hereinabove to decide the Priority List for consideration of transfer.
(xi) Inter-Circle transfer requests shall be sent by the Circle by the 10th of the month through email along with a copy of relevant Form-l to Circle(s) concerned for preparation of Priority List in other Circle(s).
(xii) Priority List shall be prepared in the following manner:-
- Two separate Priority Lists shall be prepared- one for Intra-Circle and another for Inter-Circle – for each cadre.
- Applications received during a month will be arranged in the manner provided in Point (iii) hereinabove and shall be added to the respective waiting list brought forward from the previous month. [This process shall be repeated for subsequent months where fresh requests shall be added below the requests in the Priority List for the previous month.]
(xiii) Preparation of Priority List for the first time as per these revised guidelines:-
- Transfer requests considered during the year 2021 (where transfers would be effective only after 01.01.2022) should not be decided and transfer orders may not be issued. ln case, wherever transfer orders have been issued by any of the Circle, the same stands withdrawn/canceled.
- Priority list prepared during the year 2021 (including transfers approved and orders stands withdrawn as per para (a) above), shall be kept freezed in the same order of priority, which shall be split/prepared into two parts viz. Intra-Circle transfer priority list and Inter-Circle priority list.
- Thereafter, requests received after these new guidelines come into force shall be added below the respective starting Priority List as mentioned at (a) above.
(xiv) Updation of Intra-Circle Priority List shall be completed by the l0th of the month. Similarly, the Preparation of the Inter-Circle Priority List shall be completed by the 20th of the month.
(xv) Assessment of vacancy for considering Transfer Request:-
- Based on the information received from Division/Unit, as per Point, (ix)(c) above, and information available in the Circle Office, Division/Unit-wise vacancy for each category/mode of appointment available for transfer shall be prepared by the Circle Office.
- Vacancy already reported to Staff Selection Commission for Direct Recruitment and vacancy notified/calculated for recruitment through an examination conducted by the Department shall be excluded while deciding the available vacancy as at (a) above.
- Circle shall assess vacancy for the recruitment year 2022, i.e. for the period 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022, and distribute it amongst various modes of recruitment and within each mode amongst various categories as prescribed. Vacancies, thus, arrived will be freezed for reporting for various modes of recruitment.
- As these vacancies are forecasted, the vacancies would not be available on 01.01.2022 but will arise in subsequent months of the year 2022. Hence, the monthly cycle of transfer will operate to cover foreseen as well as unforeseen vacancies arising during the preceding month.
- Vacancies freezed as mentioned in (c) above, shall be readily available for reporting to SSC or notification of LGO examination by all Circle. However, Circle shall continue considering transfer against vacancies becoming available till the preceding month. This process shall be repeated till vacancies of December 2022 is taken into account for transfer purpose.
- After completing the activities mentioned above, Circle shall calculate vacancies that arose during the year 2022 and remained unfilled even after considering all inward transfer requests. Since Inter-Circle transfer request shall be allowed for appointed officials only, at end of the recruitment year, there shall be a change in vacancies for each of the Circle, but the vacancies in total for all Circles combined together shall not undergo any change (except for the addition of unforeseen vacancies)
- The final vacancy figure as on 31.12.2022 shall be reported to the Directorate by the l5th of January of next year, as a final vacancy position that will not undergo any further change.
- The aforesaid procedure shall be repeated for each recruitment year.
(xvi) After preparation of the Intra-Circle Priority List, taking into consideration the vacancy position assessed as above, Circle shall release an approved list of Intra-Circle transfers indicating the Division/Unit by the 15th of the month.
(xvii) After deciding the approved list of Intra-Circle transfers, Circle shall consider Inter-Circle transfer requests. After taking into consideration the vacancies available, accommodation reports for officials who can be accommodated indicating the Division/Unit and waiting list number in other cases shall be communicated to Circle (s) concerned by the 20th of the month.
(xviii) After receipt of accommodation report from other Circle (s), Circle shall release an approved list of Inter-Circle transfer indicating the Division/Unit of posting and communicate to all concerned by the 25th of the month.
(xix) Officials approved for both Intra-Circle transfer and Inter-Circle transfer, shall be relieved by 20th of the following month to join the new unit. In case any official approved for transfer is not relieved, reasons thereof and likely date of relieving may be communicated to Head of Circle. Thereafter, Circle Office shall inform the concerned Circle/Division/Unit.
(xx) Relieving of the official shall not be denied solely on grounds of shortage of staff if working strength of the cadre in the Division/Unit is not less than 66.66%. This shall be observed only while relieving the official on transfer and not while forwarding transfer requests to Circle Office. However, the Head of Circle shall be competent to relieve an official, whose request for transfer under Rule-38 (both Inter-circle and intra-circle) has been approved, even if the working strength of a Division/Unit is less than 66.66%of the sanctioned strength, on case to case basis in very deserving cases only.
(xxi) Requests of transfer under Rule 38 can be considered/approved by the competent authority even during the pendency of any vigilance case/disciplinary proceedings against an official. However, the controlling officer shall not relieve an official approved for transfer till disciplinary proceedings are concluded.
(xxii) An official approved for transfer under Rule-38 may submit a written request to the controlling officer to delay the relieving. In such cases, a maximum of 90 days may be allowed. In case the official requests for more than 90 days, she/he shall forfeit the right to avail of the approved transfer. However, such an official may submit a fresh request.
(xxiii) All communications relating to transfer under Rule-38 shall be made through emails so as to adhere to the stipulated timeline.
(xxiv) Approved list of transfer and waiting list (both Intra-Circle and Inter-Circle) shall be published on the website of Department of Posts as well as Circle concerned. These lists shall be updated, after every cycle of transfer, by the last day of the month.
(xxv) Illustration for carrying out different activities of Inward / Outward transfer requests is enclosed.
Form-I Application under Rule 38 of Postal Manual Volume-IV [PDF]
Click here to download Form-1
Illustration– Revised Rule 38 Transfer Guideline
Click here to download
Rule 38 Transfer guideline November 2021
No. X-12/6/2021-SPN-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi 110001
Dated: November 17, 2021
All Chief Postmaster General
Subject: Guidelines for transfer to regulate transfers of Group ‘C’ officials, Group ‘B’ (non-gazetted) officials, and Assistant Superintendent of Posts (Group ‘B’ Gazetted).
Reference is invited to Directorate letter no. 141-141/2013-SPN-II dated 17.01.2019 on the above-mentioned subject wherein revised ‘Guidelines for Transfer’ was issued. Provisions related to transfer under Rule-38 of Postal Manual Volume IV and Rotational transfer have been reviewed and the competent authority has approved the following:-
(i) Only such officials who have completed one year of service shall be eligible for transfer under Rule-38, Provided that the condition of one year shall not be applicable for employees appointed on compassionate ground, Persons with Disabilities, and official or dependent family members with a terminal illness.
[Para 3 (A) (x) of the guidelines referred to above stands modified accordingly]
ii) Transfer of officials shall not be denied solely on the ground of shortage of staff where the working strength of the cadre in the concerned unit is 66.66% of sanctioned strength or more.
[Para 3(C)(x) of the guidelines referred to above stands modified accordingly]
iii) Under Rule 38, an official will be eligible for two Inter-Circle transfers and two Inter-Circle transfers during the entire service. However, a gap of 3 years shall be mandatory for availing of the same category of transfer for the second time, but no such gap will be required in case of applying for a different category of transfer.
Explanation: An official after availing Inter-Circle transfer shall not be eligible to apply for an Inter-Circle transfer before three years of gap. However, he/she may apply for Intra-Circle transfer immediately after availing Inter-Circle transfer.
[Para 3(A)(xi) of the guidelines referred to above stands modified accordingly]
iv) Postal Assistants appointed in GPO or Independent Class-I Head Post Offices shall be transferred on rotational transfer in a phased manner with Postal Assistants of Postal Division where GPO/Class-I HO is geographically located. Transfer and placement committee for rotational transfer in such cases shall include the head of both the units concerned.
Note: One-third of Postal Assistants of GPO / Class-I HO shall be rotated with PA of Division geographically located with GPO / Class-I HO. lt shall also be ensured that equal number of PAs transferred out of GPO/Class-I HO is posted in GPO/Class-I HO, so that rotational transfer does not adversely impact working strength of GPO/Class-I HO or Head Post Office. This exercise shall be repeated during rotational transfer every year so that the entire workforce of GPO/Class-I HO is rotated at an interval of every three years.
Relevant provisions of ‘Guidelines for Transfer’ issued vide letter dated 17.01.2019 cited above are modified to the extent mentioned above.
These shall come into force with immediate effect.
Yours faithfully,
(Muthuraman C)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
➤ MTS rule 38 transfer RMS to Post office [latest orders check here]
CORRIGENDUM in transfer guideline dated 18.11.2021
No. X-12/ 6/2021-SPN-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
Dated: November 18, 2021
All Chief Postmaster General
Subject: Guidelines for transfer to regulate transfers of Group ‘C, officials, Group ‘B’ (non-gazetted) officials, and Assistant Superintendent of Posts (Group ‘B’ Gazetted).
Madam / Sir,
Reference is invited to Directorate letter of even no. dated 17.11.2021 on the above-mentioned subject. Para (iii) of the letter may be read as under:
iii) Under Rule 38, an official will be eligible for two Inter-Circle transfers and two Intra-Circle transfers during the entire service. However, a gap of 3 years shall be mandatory for availing the same category of transfer for the second time, but no such gap will be required in case of applying for a different category of transfer.
Explanation: An official after availing Inter-Circle transfer shall not be eligible to apply for an Inter-Circle transfer before three years of gap. However, he/she may apply for Intra-Circle transfer immediately after availing Inter-Circle transfer, and vice-versa.
[Para 3(A)(xi) of the guidelines referred to above stands modified accordingly]
2. Other contents of the letter remains unchanged.
Yours faithfully,
(Muthuraman C)
Assistant Director General (SPN)
Rule 38 transfer rulings postal department PDF download
Click here to download the PDF file of “Guidelines for transfer.”
Latest Rule 38 transfer list of all postal circles
Here I am going to share rule 38 transfer latest new for postal employees. Each circle issues various orders for rule 38 transfer inter circle or intra-circle.
Two separate lists will be issued by the circle office of the respective circle for inter circle transfer and intra-circle transfer.
You can check rule 38 transfer list, rule 38 transfer list Rajasthan circle, rule 38 transfer list UP Circle, rule 38 transfer list WB circle, rule 38 transfer list TN circle, rule 38 transfer list Bihar circle, etc from the below link.
rule 38 transfer form