Post Office Savings Bank IFSC code | Post Office IFSC code

Post office savings bank ifsc code–  We know that the Department of Posts has already started DOP internet banking for all POSB customers. Many customers are already using India Post internet banking but they don’t know Post Office IFSC code (Post Bank IFSC code)
The Post Office customer wants to know Post office bank IFSC code. So, they can transfer money from the bank to their post office savings bank accounts.  
I am also a post office customer. I visited the nearest post office to know about Post Office savings bank IFSC code. Post Office staff told me that post office IFSC code is IPOS0000DOP.

After getting the IFSC code of the post office, I want to share this code with all post office customers. So, they can also use IFSC code of post office savings bank account to transfer money from the bank to the post office and vice versa.
It is good news for all of you that the India post office introduced a new Post office IFSC code for post office savings accounts. Today I am going to tell you about IFSC code post office. 
We are going to discuss India post office IFSC code list.

Post Office Savings Bank IFSC Code

Ifsc code of post office savings bank is IPOS0000DOP. It is a post office Savings Bank IFSC code (Post office IFSC code). It is used for NEFT and RTGS transfer. NEFT (National Electronic Fund Transfer) is one of the payment products operated by RBI. The Beneficiary gets the funds on the same day or the next day. 
Till now Post Office Savings Account withdrawal/closure could only be done through cash withdrawal and Cheque. Now, with NEFT/RTGS Post Office Savings Account withdrawal/closure amount can be transferred to other banks at the request of a customer.
Similarly, Post Office customers can send money to Post Office accounts from other bank through their
internet banking. This will make an investment in POSB schemes easier.  At present, NEFT Inward Remittance is allowed only to Post Office Savings Account. However, this facility will be extended to PPF and SSA accounts shortly.
IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) is an eleven-character alphanumeric code that is used to identify
the particular branch of a participating bank and is used in remittances namely NEFT & RTGS. For
POSB customers there will be only one IFSC for all branches/POs. IFSC for POSB customers is
UTR number for NEFT is a 16-digit Unique Transaction Reference number. NEFT services are available across counters during regular business hours of the PO. In addition, customers who are already registered users of India Post eBanking and m-Banking services can also initiate outward NEFT transactions through those channels. The unregistered POSB customers can also avail NEFT facility after due registration.
Post office savings bank IFSC code

An android application is also available in Google Play Store to use DOP internet banking. You have to activate DOP internet banking for your POSB account (Post Office account) and use its all services including online transactions at the online portal as well as on your mobile phone. Before it, you must read How to activate DOP internet banking for your POSB account?

IFSC code Post Office (Post Office IFSC Code)

India Post Bank IFSC code for all branches is as under-
Post Office Savings Bank IFSC Code for all post office branches


Now POSB (post office saving bank) account holders can do online transactions through their post office savings bank account like other banks. 

Post Office NEFT Charges and Limits

However, no charges are levied for outward NEFT transactions initiated through eBanking &
mBanking channels. The Minimum & Maximum amount per transaction for NEFT Remittance across the counter is Rs.1/- and Rs.15,00,000/- respectively. The limit per transaction is Rs 2,00,000/- for outward NEFT through eBanking & m-Banking channels.

Post Office NEFT Charges list

For transactions up to 10,000

Rs. 2.50 + GST

For transactions above 10,000 to 1 Lakh

Rs. 5 + GST

For transactions above 1 Lakh to 2 Lakh

Rs. 15 + GST

For transactions above 2 Lakh and not exceeding the maximum limit

Rs. 25 + GST

The maximum number of transactions permitted per day is five. The daily Transaction limit for outward
NEFT initiated through eBanking & m-Banking services is Rs.10,00,000/-. There is a time variable transaction capping for eBanking & mBanking to mitigate fraud risk. Hence maximum transaction limit for outward NEFT initiated through eBanking/mBanking from 8 PM to 8 AM is Rs.2,00,000/-. The charges and limits are subjected to revision.

Requirements for post office savings bank NEFT transfer

Customers should have an active post office savings account to initiate outward NEFT remittance to
other bank accounts. They have to submit an NEFT mandate form along with SB -7/POSB cheque.
Download Post office NEFT and RTGS PDF form from here.
Post Office IFSC code

Complaints process for Post Office NEFT Transaction

Customers can use any of the following methods to register complaints regarding their NEFT
  • Through Indiapost customer care number 1800 2666 868.
  • Through the complaints section on the India Post website
  • under the financial services
  • category, Savings bank service and select the type as NEFT.
  • Through SAP-CRM in any post office branch.
  • Post office end-user should register the complaints under financial services- Savings Bank category in SAP-CRM option
  • UTR number is mandatory for registering complaints about all NEFT transaction-related grievances.

Benefits of IFSC code of post office

Post office savings bank account customers can transfer money from their post office account to any bank account. Similarly, money can be transferred from the bank account to a post office SB account by using the India Post IFSC code (IPOS0000DOP).
Customers can also do NEFT and RTGS transactions by visiting the post office branch. They can also use internet banking and mobile banking for it.


Question 01– Does Post office account have Ifsc code?

Answer– Yes.

Question 02– Can we find Post office sb account ifsc code, if yes then how to find post office ifsc code?

Answer– Yes, It is IPOS0000DOP.

Question 03– what is difference between dop ifsc code and post office bank ifsc code?

Answer– Both are same.

Question 04- Does Post office have IFSC code?

Answer- Yes.
Today, I shared information about post office savings bank ifsc code (Post office IFSC code). I hope, you liked this post. 

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