Envelopes are essential to send documents from one place to another place. Do you know the post office envelope price?
Read this post and get all the information about post office envelopes and their prices.

What is a Post Office Envelope?
The envelope is a paper cover. It is a packaging item. People can use it to send their documents through Post Offices.
These envelopes are available at every post office. People can purchase more than one envelope at a time from the nearest post office.
Envelopes are also used to send Rakhi.
Post Office Envelope Price
The price of a post office envelope is five rupees only.
Post Office Envelope Image
Do you know how a post office envelope looks?
Find below a specimen image of an envelope.

What is the cost of an envelope in India?
Five Rupees only.
Can I use post office envelope for speed post booking?
How many envelopes do I purchase at a time from post offices?
You can purchase more than one envelope at a time based on availability in the post office.