Do you want to get approval for the Rule 38 transfer in the post office?
If yes, you must apply online for Rule 38 in Postal Department.
As per order number X-12/6/2021-SPN-II (pt) dated 30.09.2022, a new online web portal has been launched by the postal directorate for receiving and processing transfers under rule 38.
If you want to know how to apply online Rule 38 transfer request then please read this post up to the end. Here I explained a detailed step-by-step procedure for the rule 38 request through an online portal.
This rule 38 transfer request online portal is made for Assistant Superintendent, Inspector of Posts, Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant, Postman, Mail Guard, or MTS cadre.
If you also come in the above cadre then you have to apply online for a rule 38 transfer request to get the rule 38 transfer. Check here latest Rule 38 transfer list 2022
How to apply online for rule 38 transfer in the postal department
- First of all, You have to open a website i.e.
- Click on the Register/reset password option for the new registration.
- Enter your CSI ID, and type your desired new password. retype the password for confirmation.
- Then click on the register button.
- An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number.
- Make sure your mobile number is registered in the CSI system.
- Password can also be changed after registration.
- Now, click on the Request form link available in the menu section of the portal to apply online.
- Basic detail will be available automatically as per master data.
Employee ID, Name, Cadre, Home Circle/Unit, Date of Birth, Date of Joining, Mobile Number, and Email ID will be in frozen status and cannot be edited. However, if the employee finds an apparent error or wants to change their Mobile Number and Email ID, a formal request should be made to the Controlling Officer for correcting relevant information.
Other and additional information should be filled in by the employee.
- Mode of Recruitment, Group, Designation, Present office of working, Present place of working to be entered, Date from which working in the present post, Applying grounds, Type of Rule 38 applied, Date of last availed Rule38 Transfer, Opting Circle, Preferences for requested divisions.
- After filling in additional detail, click on submit button.
- A confirmation message will be displayed on the screen as the Application is submitted successfully. Your request number is RTXXXXXXXX.
- Now, the employee can check his rule 38 request application status by again login into the portal.
- If the Application status is showing Decline, it means your request will not be considered further. You have to submit a new fresh application.
- If the application status is not showing Decline within 3 days, it means your application is accepted.
- successful submission of the application, a Unique Request ID will be generated, which may be noted.
Screen Shots of various steps for applying rule 38 transfer request
Important terms related to Online rule 38 transfer portal
Change Password
Password can also be changed by the employee subsequently once the password is set. For this purpose, employee should click on the Change Password/Register Password link in the login form and proceed to change the password. For this purpose, employees need to enter the old password and provide the new password and reconfirm the same. OTP confirmation which will be sent to the registered mobile number is required for a change of password.
Non-editable Options
Employee ID, Name, Cadre, Home Circle / Unit, Date of Birth, Date of Joining, Mobile Number, and Email ID will be in frozen status and cannot be edited. However, if the employee finds an apparent error or wants to change their Mobile Number, and Email ID, a formal request should be made to the Controlling Officer for correcting relevant information.
Applying grounds
To be selected as per the grounds on which the Rule 38 request is sought like PWD/Terminal Illness/Compassionate/None of the above.
In case of the ground of transfer request being Terminal illness appropriate prescribed document to be uploaded as proof, which will be verified.
In case ‘Grounds of Applying’ is ‘Terminal illness’, the supporting documentation as a proof is to be uploaded before submission.
Type of Rule 38 applied
To be selected by the employee. Depending upon the cadres, the type of inter/intra will be frozen, i.e for the circle cadres like ASP/IP/PA (CO/RO)/PA (SBCO)/ PA (FPO), etc., the option will be enabled only for the inter-circle.
No of Rule 38 availed
Information is to be provided on the number of previously utilized Rule 38 numbers of the same kind (Inter Circle/Intra Circle) for which the present request is made. For example, if the present request is for an inter-circle transfer, the number of inter-circle transfers already availed is to be given. If the maximum admissible number of chances is already availed [Presently Two inter-circle transfers (Three in case of PWD)], the further application cannot be submitted. Similarly, if the present request is for intra-circle transfer, the number of intra-circle transfers already availed is to be given. If a maximum admissible number of chances are already availed, further applications cannot be submitted.
Date of last availed Rule38 Transfer
Date of last availed Rule 38 transfer in the type for which the present request is sought to be entered, i.e. if a request is for inter-circle Rule 38 and one chance is availed under inter-circle then the date of such inter-circle Rule 38 availed to be entered. Request cannot be accepted within 3 years of availing the same kind of Rule 38 Transfer.
Opting Circle
if the request type is inter-circle, the employee needs to select the Circle where a transfer is requested. In the case of the intra-circle transfer, this will be a freezer.
Depending upon the cadre like PA/SA/PM/MG/MTS, 10 preferences of division choices can be opt, whereas for the Circle cadre there is no requirement of opting for any preferences.
Wrong Application
Once submitted, the application cannot be edited or employees cannot request or correspond for modifications. In case the application is submitted inadvertently or wrong information is entered, an employee can withdraw the application after login. A fresh application can be submitted with corrected data.
Status Check
Employees in the login can also check the status of the application by clicking application status. No representation shall be entertained for making modifications to the registered request. In case of such a requirement, an employee can withdraw the application through the “application status” and submit a new request.
Question 01- I have registered my mobile number in CSI, but still I am unable to login in Rule 38 Transfer Online portal?
Answer- If you already registered your mobile number in CSI then you have to request your divisional office to update the mobile number in the Rule 38 master data.
Question 02- I have forgotten my password for the Rule 38 transfer online portal. How to recover it?
Answer- If you forget your password for the Rule 38 online portal then you have to click on forget password option available on the home screen of Rule 38 Online portal. Enter your CSI Id and an OTP will be sent on your registered mobile. Submit the OTP and enter a new password.
Question 03- My details are showing wrong in the application form. How I Change it?
Answer- If your details like Employee name, Cadre, Home Division, Date of Birth, Date of Joining, and Mobile number/email id are showing wrong then you have to connect your divisional office. The divisional office can able to change it.
My Thought
You have to follow the above step-by-step process to apply Rule 38 transfer requests in the postal department.
It is now compulsory if you want to get rule 38 transfer, you must have to apply online on the Rule 38 Transfer request portal.
Visit inindiapost for the latest information related to Post office.